Painted this last night outside 20F on top of ice for first coat/test.
Left it in the garage (40F) all night, seems pretty dry.
Going to do an hour-2 hour on card drying/testing at idle temps (100F on chip, probably 80-90 on the plate, which is the max for the drying temp of the paint)
Up close, you can see a couple spots and the obvious red underneath but it looks ok in the picture
Hooked all 3 temp sensors on the case to various places on the plate and it’s 70-85, and this is touching the metal that connects to the plate, so I’m sure it’s not TOO hot.
Plus it’s 65 in my room.
Please rate color scheme.
I have one blue SATA cable because the mobo is black/blue
This theme is black/white/blue.
Would prefer green but I’m not going to go through the trouble of finding a green/black mobo.
I work with what I have.
looks pretty good so far. Question, is there a reason for getting a micro ATX? size? cost? I just don’t see those to often.
I got it on sale at frys and it was an upgrade from ddr2 ram.
Nice dude. My new build is an upgrade to an ASUS Crosshair Formula IV from an old motherboard that could only take DDR
Nice. I upgrade in small increments though and usually play a year or 2 older games.
I will probably not be upgrading for a while, till 6 cores get cheaper anyways.
Going with SLI next for sure though.
Yeah dude, i know what you mean. This new build was more or less a culmination of my HDD filling up, My ram was becoming insufficient. my processor was somewhere in the realm of 2.2 GHz. and my GPUs were starting to fall behind. It was an Alienware that I had bought right before Dell bought them out, It was a really good PC , had lots of good times. I was only really able to afford this because I bought the parts over time
I grabbed the AMD Phenom II x 6 1090 T BE six core. It’s much cheaper than anything Intel would put out for the price. But I’m not really hardcore enough to notice a difference between AMD and Intel stuff.
I had a rare CPU that would unlock to a 1090T BE
960T. apparently there was only a few of them out there and you can’t buy them anywhere.
Bought for $75, sold for $250
That paid for most of my upgrades.
I’m starting to wonder if casemods is a secret NZXT sales rep. If he is, I’d like to request they (and the rest of the industry) stop putting doors and windows on their fucking cases. I got an Antec 300 a while back, and it’s the most goddamn gorgeous case I’ve seen in years. No fucking door, no fucking windows, a few two many grills, but it’s got the power & usb ports on the fucking top, which makes up for a lot.
I wouldn’t even check email on that thing. It would feel too slow.
That’s just ridiculous
Looks good. Does the power supply have a fan on top and back?
It only has one fan, 140mm
It’s on the bottom in this picture.
There is also a vent on the case for it.
We’re back to CM posting 10 pictures 3 times a day of his latest crap again? Hand me the tequila.
I know, right? People are being NICE to him. I feel like I’m in an alternate universe.
Seems like a lot of trouble just to achieve a color scheme, but I’ve made similar efforts on even dumber things, so I can’t disparage.
Question: Your paint job(s) aren’t compromising any ventilation holes or grilles, are they? You also might want to look into the effect high temperatures have on the paint you’re using, as it would probably suck to suddenly have your case give off some horrible smell and/or toxic fumes.
That would suck. We would have to put up with weeks of him posting pictures of himself holding his nose.
Its not blocking anything
it’s simply a side plate.
and it’s been fine
apparently, high heat is only about 1000F or something, so I’m fine
Case, how do you have your fans set up? Which ones are intake and exhaust?
They are all exhaust.
If you see only the blades, that means that is where it’s pulling from.
The 4 brackets on the other sides indicate that is the direction the fans are pushing.
I am not sure if it would help if I turned the fan above the CPU fan the other way to bring in air from the top or not.
But I have them all on 5v so they are all silent
Casemods has a stinky salty cock that Tiki sucks on every Wednesday. One Tiki sucked it so hard Casemods had to get it surgically reattached.
You make it sound like there are more than one tiki’s