with a very nice quote from the nintendo man
Pac-Man munching pills
Added on February 8th, 2011 by justonemango | Report Post
Tags:Gaming, Humor, Pac-Man, Quotes, Wallpaper
Tags:Gaming, Humor, Pac-Man, Quotes, Wallpaper
But… I do!
I like it and my friends like it too. And those delicious magic pills… oh I won’t say more.
The Nintendo person that is attributed to has repeatedly denied ever making that quote. The quote is actually attributed to Marcus Brigstocke, a well respected satirical comedian.
the pills effects, from left to right:
turns you into James Bond.
gives you cancer.
turns you into a fish.
bestows eternal life upon you.
makes fans of Apple products see how stupid they are (if only this one actually existed).
Cures internet addiction.
turns you into something that starts with the letter W (it could be anything. it randomly decides what you turn into.)
instant potty training.
Where’s my 714s?
Thanks for this picture, I was looking for one to make a poster! 🙂 As a raver and big Nintendo fan, this makes me smile.