Concept art from the show that never was.
Gotham High
Added on February 8th, 2011 by Queensly | Report Post
Tags:Batman, Comic Books, Television, Wallpaper
Tags:Batman, Comic Books, Television, Wallpaper
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Wow. This looking horrible. I can’t believe anyone wasted time just making concept art.
Not actual concept art. It was done as a gag for college humor
Crap, I was wrong, I take it back.
This is ridiculously gay.
…I’d watch it.
Could just as easily be complete crap or really cool. I don’t think there’d be any middle ground on which way it would’ve gone. :p
I assume it was in response to X-men Evolution.
please no
There are many great modern stories that have benefited and bemused our imaginations through the telling of Whatif’s and alternate reality versions, such as the story’s setting being placed far in the future, or way in a medieval past. But of all the possibilities; High School is just stupid. Please don’t take a giant steaming shit on Batman like this. Please.
The only thing worse that this would be Gotham Babies.
Ugh. Sign of the Apocalypse #982