Reality is what you make of it. Just ask Casemods.
Try googling: Ad hominem
Wait, maybe Google will “censor” (snicker) and not auto-complete the word when you type ” ad ”
Just in case:
An ad hominem (Latin: “to the man”), also known as argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.[1] The ad hominem is a classic logical fallacy,[2] but it is not always fallacious; in some instances, questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.[3]
Isn’t the Google suggestion logic based on the frequency of similar searches? That would imply that an inordinate amount of people are looking for those things, rather than Google “giving” you those things. And if people want that info, why would they censor it? Durhur.
Censorship is not involved. The searches are different. Notice all the examples have at least one entire word?
Type in the whole word utorrent, and you get plenty of valid suggestions.
Case closed.
transitive verb
: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable ; also : to suppress or delete as objectionable
Being too lazy to finish typing a word is not the same as the information being deleted or not listed by Google.
Maybe if “you people” spent more time thinking logically and less time looking for something to be mad about, you might get more accomplished with your life.
Are you saying a search engine on the Internuts can’t have emotions and feelings? What a preposterous notion.
And at the cheeta guy above: You get suggestions for “how to build a bom” but not for “how to tor”, both have incomplete words at the end, only one gets suggestions.
I don’t even know why everyone acts like Google wouldn’t do this, they’ve done it before and they were called out on it already.
nick p
13 years ago
i think i would have taken this more seriously if the creator didn’t papyrus.
overthrow google?
I have no problem using Google for torrent searches. Sounds like the problem exists between the keyboard the chair.
Quick Google search for “bittorent” = “About 66,400,000 results (0.12 seconds)”
they’re talking about the instant search feature that suggests all sorts of fun stuff for you.
I get plenty of utorrent suggestions, once you finish the first word.
Yes, them not popping up auto suggestions is the same as “censoring!”
Moron? Really? Get a Dictionary. (That’s a book that tells you what words mean).
Or, maybe Google the word “censorship”. Failing to meet your desires is not censorship. Not suggesting something is not the same thing as censorship.
What would be censorship is Tiki deleting your post to protect us from your rant.
I’m sorry, but he’s the one that is ranting? Try googling ‘reality.’
Reality is what you make of it. Just ask Casemods.
Try googling: Ad hominem
Wait, maybe Google will “censor” (snicker) and not auto-complete the word when you type ” ad ”
Just in case:
An ad hominem (Latin: “to the man”), also known as argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.[1] The ad hominem is a classic logical fallacy,[2] but it is not always fallacious; in some instances, questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.[3]
(Sorry CM, too easy).
While you’re suggesting words for me to look up, here’s one for you to look up: SARCASM.
Good god, jackass, I couldn’t have made it any more obvious that I was being sarcastic there.
Sorry, I missed the “sacrasm” font you used, lol.
The wording, the quotes around “censoring!”, and the pot-shot insult a couple lines down were pretty blatant clues.
Uh…I think he was being sarcastic.
funny that the enlarged version of the image does not load..
Isn’t the Google suggestion logic based on the frequency of similar searches? That would imply that an inordinate amount of people are looking for those things, rather than Google “giving” you those things. And if people want that info, why would they censor it? Durhur.
damn it
anyone got tips for kidnapping kids?
I was shocked to see that someone actually chose Papyrus
Well, this makes sense, since we all already know that copyright infringement is far worse than murder and kidnapping.
So basically it’s a choice between one set of censored searches and another?
And I’m pretty sure I can find out how to make bombs and mustard gas from a library.
Censorship is not involved. The searches are different. Notice all the examples have at least one entire word?
Type in the whole word utorrent, and you get plenty of valid suggestions.
Case closed.
you people that think this isnt censorship are retarded.
As defined by Webster:
Definition of CENSOR
transitive verb
: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable ; also : to suppress or delete as objectionable
Being too lazy to finish typing a word is not the same as the information being deleted or not listed by Google.
Maybe if “you people” spent more time thinking logically and less time looking for something to be mad about, you might get more accomplished with your life.
yes, the reason google auto-completes other words but not anything to do with torrents is because it is lazy and not because it is being censored
Are you saying a search engine on the Internuts can’t have emotions and feelings? What a preposterous notion.
And at the cheeta guy above: You get suggestions for “how to build a bom” but not for “how to tor”, both have incomplete words at the end, only one gets suggestions.
I don’t even know why everyone acts like Google wouldn’t do this, they’ve done it before and they were called out on it already.
i think i would have taken this more seriously if the creator didn’t papyrus.
Try DuckDuckGo works like a charm. And you don’t get the aweful google personalized search shit!