Since you were short on posts, I decided to post a gif of myself.
Crewman Guy
Added on February 8th, 2011 by crewmanguy | Report Post
Tags:Animated Images, Galaxy Quest, Humor, Movies
Tags:Animated Images, Galaxy Quest, Humor, Movies
} ?>
This seems oddly familiar, but can’t quite place it… Does it come from a Tim Allen movie revolving around the cast of a Star Trek-like show finding that the events of the show are actually real and having to perform as the characters they portray?
Is Alan Rickman in it?
What’s it called?
Problem Child 2
Space Mission
Galaxy Quest (1999)
That’s the one. Thank you.
Star Wars.
Guy Crewman… Guy Crewman. Yep!
Sam Rockwell kicks all kinds of ass.
Galaxy Quest
google guy fleegman for proof
tons of reaction images too
going to torrent this movie as well, thanks for suggest this movie
It was a good movie. I was always curious what the “new adventures” version that was implied at the movie’s end would have looked like. Imagine making a television show knowing that galactic civilizations would later assume that they were literal interpretations of reality. Fun idea.
Also a good movie.
“By Grabthar’s Hammer!”
“You tell Lord Daysius to eat the corn outta mah crap.”
Damn, wrong movie.
You took mah nads, Dennis!