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    But prayer can move mountains!

    Luke Magnifico



    But did you make a blood sacrifice? Anti-mountain-moving prayers only work with a blood sacrifice first. Preferably a virgin.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Good thing that faggot and his nigger hag cured polio while dumb old mid west whitey died off.

    Oh wait..thats all complete bullshit.

    How about the scientist who goes to church on Sunday because he knows no matter what he does you’re all still gonna die? Where’s your bullshit campaign then, assholes?

    Quit taking the bait. Jesus isn’t after your ipad.


    Jesus can have my iPad. That shit sucks anyways.

    Jesus Christ



    This is why canada gets no respect


    We get plenty, especially from American tourists that love to get free Health Care when they Visit…no poutine pour toi !


    that’s perfect example of average christian, dumb racist scum.


    Perfect example of an atheist, Overgeneralizing, self-righteous dumbass


    You humans are all racists!


    Not my iPad, he wants 10% of my earnings.

    How is paying all that money going to prevent me from dying, btw?


    No one remembers paying a tithe…
    Mind you I’ve met some Southerners that still do…dumbf*cks…


    It’s not Jesus I’m worried about, it’s his followers –


    You guys are missing the boat by down voting Navi.

    He posted some genuinely entertaining crazy there. It’s a new level for even him.

    Normally his just a loud moth compulsive liar, but this time he’s lashing out at the people who created a polio vaccine and saved millions of lives.

    That some epic derp there.


    Down-voting is for morons that can’t defend their position.


    I agree.

    I won’t lie and say I don’t down vote. But I don’t do it to censor the other person.

    BTW, you’ve made some very good posts this thread. I like how most of the replies to you are along the lines of OMG YOU A HATER, without actually addressing your criticisms.


    I don’t, It’s nice not to have to read every last piece of crazy that’s out there. It gets excessive after a while and makes you remember that most of the population is suffering from the DHUH.


    Why is it that I always see angry athiests posting attacks on religion, but no religious types posting anti-athiest stuff? What are the athiests so angry about?


    One thing i have noticed is that internet-atheists tend to be major dick-holes who worship at the altar of Dawkins. In my experience the dick-head atheists outnumber the cool ones.

    Because they think that by actively disbelieving in something it somehow makes them magically smarter than people who believe in theologies.

    So far the worst thing i have seen from the christian camp is attempts at banning the teaching of evolution and maybe a few defacing of atheist billboards. I know here in SC we have a road that is sponsored by the secular humanist society and guess what? Nobody has defaced it.

    The fact of the matter is that many christians are not science fearing mysognistic racists who think the earth was created in six literal days 6,000 years ago.

    Christ i am so sick of this bigotry. You know what i do when i meet an atheist in real life? I treat him like i would a fellow christian. You know why? Because jesus said “love thy neighbor as thyself.” It’s a simple concept that any person of any faith (or lack thereof) can get behind.

    You know what happens when i meet an atheist online?

    I have to argue for the next three fucking hours on why i am entitled to my belief. I have to deal with endless ad-hominem remarks towards myself and fellow believers.

    Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of christian crazies out there. Believe me i know from first hand experience the bullshit people try to justify with their religious beliefs. Hell my fiance and i will even get into arguments over religion and her and i both believe in the same god. Conflict in one form is inevitable. But it doesn’t mean you need to be a dick about it.

    fracked again

    What is so dickish about the image?

    Is it not a realistic expression of the results gained via research as opposed to prayer? Is pointing out reality dickish?

    Yes, many religious people study the sciences, and good for them. But prayer accomplishes nothing at all.

    As for the billboards, good for SC for not defacing them. But what is your point? Is that really the worst you can think of when it comes to acts of your fellow Christians against atheists?


    Seriously? That’s the worst you’ve seen from Christians? I could write you a list longer than my leg with things worse than that.

    Homophobia is innate in Christianity. “Witches” get killed today by Christians. Christianity is helping spread aids in Africa. Christianity has a big part in several wars, and one of them is the conflict in Israel. Most Christians support a ring of pedophiles and that is not where the child abuse ends. Christians that actually believe that Jesus answers prayers don’t go to the doctor (good thing you don’t believe prayer works, eh?).

    As I said, I could go on and on. If you don’t like being treated like someone that believes in superstition for dumb reasons, perhaps you should abandon that not-so-modern belief system.


    Dear angry, resentful athiest,

    Thank you for helping to prove my point. Although my question was not actually answered, only argued.

    Christianity is spreading Aids in Africa? Really? Please draw me a picture and use small words. I can’t wait to hear this one. But please be sure to link your story to the part the rest of us already know, so that it makes sense, in a movie/book/magazine story kind of way.

    The rest of your complaints are specific to the Catholic Church or maybe the Puritans or Quakers, which is like blaming all Americans for what happens in Alabama trailer parks. Just because 1 person or a small group of people who happen to be Christian believe something or behave a certain way, does not mean that all Christians are to blame. I do not hold all non-Christians responsible for your behavior or ignorance, as the case may be. Hitler hated the Jews because he hated his Jewish nanny. His anger and ignorance went unchecked by his family and peers. He blamed an entire race and religion for the actions of one person. (Sound familiar).

    I don’t blame my black friends when a black hoodlum steals my car stereo. I don’t blame my Jewish friends when one of my Jewish clients refuses to pay the bill. I don’t blame my gay friends or my gay family member when a gay person walks down the street naked in a gay pride parade. I don’t blame my catholic family members when the Pope protects the pedophiles that work in his church. And, I don’t blame the rest of MCS when Casemods says something stupid. (Poor guy just needs a friend.)

    BTW, the vast majority of Christians practice science based health care and have a typical view of the value of science in our lives, while realizing that we (humans) do NOT have all the answer yet, and yet they still choose to have faith. This is based on personal experience, not just blindly following what somebody tells us because it is in a book. Sure, children are raised to believe what their parents believe, but that is what all parents do (OK, most parents). That is called being a parent.

    There are always exceptions and always those that take advantage. Scientists have the same problems in their community.
    I was commenting only on what I see here, not making a generalization about all non-Christians or all athiests.
    I have lots of friends who are not Christian or whom have no faith at all, and we are good friends who respect each other. We can even discuss science and religious theory and drink a beer without hating on each other.

    Finally, the word Homophobia is greatly over used. Having a difference of opinion does not equal a fear of the subject. If I disagree with cannibalism, that does not make me cannibalphobic. If I choose not to be a communist, that does not make me socialism-phobic (or whatever conjugation you like). Just because a person or a group (christians, republicans, whomever) does/do not agree with, support, or otherwise participate in homosexuality, does NOT mean that they are afraid. It means the disagree. Get a Fucking Dictionary, please.

    OK, so thank you for reading my rant. Comment or vote or wtf ever makes you feel better.


    (I’m not sure if you noticed that I was replying to somebody else, that might explain why you think I didn’t answer your question.)

    “Christianity is spreading Aids in Africa? Really? Please draw me a picture and use small words. ”

    Use google to find your way to what the Catholic church is doing in Africa, then look for a mention of condoms. I can’t believe you’re not aware of this. (In simple words, google: catholic africa condoms).

    “The rest of your complaints are specific to the Catholic Church ”

    Actually the pedophile thing and the one I just mentioned are the only things tied to Catholicism (not saying pedophilia or condom bans do not occur in other parts of Christianity).

    So much for dodging the bullet, eh?

    “Just because 1 person or a small group of people who happen to be Christian believe something or behave a certain way”

    What if the *majority* of Christians are Catholics? Or if not that, then it is the biggest denomination by far. I guess you didn’t think of that.

    “I do not hold all non-Christians responsible for your behavior or ignorance, as the case may be. Hitler hated the Jews because he hated his Jewish nanny.”

    That would be pretty stupid, as non-Christians do not have any common tenets. As for anti-semitism, it was not uncommon as it was basically preached in church since forever. Hitler may have hated Jews because his nanny was one, but anti-semitism has firm roots in Christianity.

    “He blamed an entire race and religion for the actions of one person. (Sound familiar).”

    Was that a question? In any case, I don’t do that. I was replying to someone that claimed that he had only seen some minor things being done by Christians, and I could do better than him. Some faults, like I’ve already said, are because of the religion itself (or rather its holy text). So you can’t get away from the horrible things without ignoring huge chunks of the bible.

    “BTW, the vast majority of Christians practice science based health care and have a typical view of the value of science in our lives, while realizing that we (humans) do NOT have all the answer yet, and yet they still choose to have faith. ”

    I know they do, if they have the alternative of modern medicine. My point was that that same majority does *not* trust prayer to work at all.

    Go team Jesus?

    “There are always exceptions and always those that take advantage. Scientists have the same problems in their community.”

    That’s pretty vague. Care to give an example?

    “Finally, the word Homophobia is greatly over used. Having a difference of opinion does not equal a fear of the subject. ”

    I was using the word in the colloquial sense. The bible is very clear about its views on male homosexuals. And a Christian who wanted to restrict the rights of gay men would act in accordance with their god’s will. Same thing with killing witches: your god says it’s A-okay.

    “OK, so thank you for reading my rant. Comment or vote or wtf ever makes you feel better.”

    You’re welcome. It does make me feel better to correct Christians.


    “Christianity is spreading Aids in Africa? Really?”

    Yes, it is, by actually telling their people that using a condom can actually get you aids, read up sparky..

    fracked again

    Bushman, you need to get out on the internet more. There are plenty of attacks on atheism out there.

    If you really can’t see why atheists might be angry that religion holds far too much influence on political decision making throughout the world, that it causes active psychological harm (many suffer from a constant fear of hell), or that it relies on scamming people out of time and money, then I don’t think I can help you.


    ^^This…on religion.


    Did you see the pope saying that atheists are nazis? I guess you missed that, huh?


    Ironic, since the Nazis were largely church-going Christians –


    also just as ironic, the pope was a member of the hitler youth. pot calling the kettle…


    Are you kidding me ?
    Almost everyday the %85 accuse the less than %17 of trying to shove their Atheist views down their throats, it’s so laughable it’s sad…


    As an Athiest myself i feel sorry for Bible bashers , i mean Burning bushes , loaves and fishes , rising from the Dead ADAM and EVE WTF people must thing we were born yesterday…..The Bible is a wonderfull Story but that is all it is a Freakin Story.
    Some people are so dumb


    Christ dude, imagine being a christian and trying to explain to them why they shouldn’t take the bible as literal as they do. It’s like talking to a freaking wall, they won’t even listen to their fellow christians.


    I’ve just stopped. It just gets boring. Every time we get a new theist or atheist we go thru this shit. Though I gotta admit I do get a kick out of some of the pro atheist pics. I also think that atheists feel like we finally get to say what we think to a relatively large audience.


    I hope you enjoy evangelizing as much as we do.

    I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that some people think belief in God prevents acknowledging any benefit of scientific thought OR VICE VERSA



    Either god created the sun after the earth, or earth came about after the sun. If you believe that the bible is right you have to ignore science.

    I take it you’re one of the diet Christians that ignore large chunks of the stories that Jesus believed to be true?

    What would Spock say about that logic?


    “If you believe that the bible is right you have to ignore science.”

    I disagree with the bandwagon-riding, incomplete theory of evolution because I believe in a Creator, and so that means that I can’t believe e=mc^2. Glad you told me, because that makes sense.

    “Jesus isn’t after your ipad” was the smartest thing said in this thread. How can you dense-ass asses not realize yet that the far extreme doesn’t represent the whole?
    I guess all black people are thugs, all white people are trashy, all blondes are dumb, and all jews are greedy.

    With the amount of trolling i’ve done, I can’t believe I still get suckered into these pools of pure fucking ignorance. I told “Nyoki” to enjoy evangelizing, the rest of you can enjoy witch hunting.


    You don’t believe in evolution? Then I can only assume that you don’t understand it or that you have a belief that contradicts science. Thanks for proving my point.

    The rest of your comment was pretty much just rambling, so I’ll ignore it until someone comes along to translate.


    What evangelizing was I spouting? I said I was tired of the same argument over and over again. Lotus and I get along just fine and we opposite views on theism, though on religion we agree more and he’s as tired of this crap as I am. I’m just not into it anymore. I loved to argue it in classes and amongst groups when I was in my twenties. In my mid forties it just doesn’t hold my attention.
    You’ve been here long enough to know most of my views if you’ve been paying attention. Most anti-theist stuff I post is a bit of trolling and tweaking some religious types. Being against religion is not the same as being against people who believe.


    Extreme religious folks and atheists need to dish it out 50’s greaser vs square knife fight style. So they can both STFU ALREADY.


    fuck yea, I’m keen to stab a religious nut! I might even come out alive due to the magic of medical treatment and stab vests over praying the stab wounds away!


    What would be cool would be after the fight the atheists get doctors with the latest med tech and the Xians can only pray for their wounded.

    Luke Magnifico

    The reason I call myself an agnostic is because if I call myself an atheist I will be aligning myself with a group that is predominantly formed of proselytizing cuntbags who in practice behave not so differently from their aggro-Christian counterparts.


    bus you ARE a cunt, so do not be afraid.


    It’s okay that you call yourself that; the rest of us understand that “agnostic” is just another word for “atheist without a spine”.

    I’m tempted to call you an atheist without a brain too, but I know you’re not dumb enough to really believe that “atheist proselytizing” is anywhere close to the Christian kind.


    I’ve never heard of an Atheist burning anyone at the stake.


    Depending on who you burn, that might get some converts.

    Luke Magnifico

    I don’t see how. Each side protests equally belligerently about the existence or nonexistence of a god character. Aggressive atheism has become just another belief system to shout about.


    Oh, like how atheists force the lack of belief in all gods into school? How atheists insist that we put “in Dawkins we trust” on money? Or maybe how atheists give food to homeless people only if they know how to critique Pascal’s Wager?

    Let me know when atheists veto life-saving treatments because of something PZ Myers said, or restrict a minority’s rights because Darwin invented marriage.

    So next time you see an atheist knocking on your door on a Saturday morning to give you the bad news, or a humanist going around the world taking money from dictators like Mother Theresa did, remember how much like Christianity atheism is.

    Luke Magnifico

    I’m talking about an internet-forum size platform, and I’m forced to believe you’re deliberately misstating the context because otherwise this whole discussions been a waste of time.

    Woops, it was a waste of time anyway, oh dear.


    Waste of time for you, perhaps.

    I don’t agree. But then again, I won this argument.


    Keep science in school and religion in Church..that’s where they belong after all…again, funny the Majority crying the minority is trying to shove something (science) down their throats…

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