Rebel has an obsession with Slacks Maybe its because he in fact is a slacker student him self , its always some twat posting dumb comments on other peoples pictures becasue when he was at school he used to get beat up a lot and this is his only way to vent his anger….I pitty you little boy really i do.
Beware the Hoverhands.
Promo girls BEWARE ……when hoverhands Attack
This picture of attractive ladies is ruined by the trekker in dress slacks.
Rebel has an obsession with Slacks Maybe its because he in fact is a slacker student him self , its always some twat posting dumb comments on other peoples pictures becasue when he was at school he used to get beat up a lot and this is his only way to vent his anger….I pitty you little boy really i do.
Watch it, asshole. This is the internets. I already found your facebook page.
Wow Clever man AND i am a good looking boy arnt i
Yes, yes you are. 😉
At first I was all “Star Trek uniforms didn’t have zips down the front”.
Then I was all “Wait, how the fuck did they get those tight sweaters on without zips?”
But then I decided it was because it is the future.
Deep Space nine uniforms did have zips down the front as did TNG season one uniforms, DS9 uniforms are a Jacket over a Grey shirt
The “Borderlands” poster is the best thing about this picture.
Cool hoverhands, bro.