I love Israel, All countrys have their flaws , Canada has gazillions of big mosquitos(sp) . America has Oklahoma. Mexico has Mexicans. Russia has Chechen people and Turks. Africa has guns and AIDS. Does this make me racist or Capitalist, I hope not.
We can’t stop here! This is Jew country !!
But if Egypt goes turban, not for long.
12 years ago
Bravely defended, a beacon for anyone who values freedom, democracy, fairness, and maybe best of all …a symbol like the American flag, that reliably flushes losers out into the open to coalesce into mobs.
yup. definitely worth fighting over
kinda fucked up it boils down to both sides being stupid and immature
I love Israel, All countrys have their flaws , Canada has gazillions of big mosquitos(sp) . America has Oklahoma. Mexico has Mexicans. Russia has Chechen people and Turks. Africa has guns and AIDS. Does this make me racist or Capitalist, I hope not.
Oklahoma? What’s wrong with Oklahoma?
africa is not a country
Best reply evar.
you can start building walls all over the place 😉
I’ve seen backalleys that look better than that place. While getting raped.
Jesus died right there!
Pro Israel. Not jamming any beliefs down ol’ throat.
We give them $5 billion a year and they don’t even fix up the place.
We could be using that money to invade them. After all, that is what America does.
Why? Do they have oil?
It doesn’t even have oil! And where is all that honey?
We can’t stop here! This is Jew country !!
But if Egypt goes turban, not for long.
Bravely defended, a beacon for anyone who values freedom, democracy, fairness, and maybe best of all …a symbol like the American flag, that reliably flushes losers out into the open to coalesce into mobs.