I got this idea while getting a bj, i dont know if its original or not, but it seemed cool to me and i did this draw the day after.
not really original, but it’s always nice to know other people are thinking the same things I am.
I mean, what I saw. that one time.
>duck tape
In Mr. Loco’s defense, there is a brand of duct tape known as Duck Tape.
thank you sir.
not how you spell flaccid tho.
as seen on M[c]S
Because skulls are sexy.
hahahaha, this is so funny.
I got this idea while getting a bj, i dont know if its original or not, but it seemed cool to me and i did this draw the day after.
not really original, but it’s always nice to know other people are thinking the same things I am.
I mean, what I saw. that one time.
>duck tape
In Mr. Loco’s defense, there is a brand of duct tape known as Duck Tape.
thank you sir.
not how you spell flaccid tho.
as seen on M[c]S
Because skulls are sexy.
hahahaha, this is so funny.