Great performances all around. Beautifully filmed. Quote-worthy lines. Will probably get an Oscar or two.
Great performances all around. Beautifully filmed. Quote-worthy lines. Will probably get an Oscar or two.
I heard an interview with the director on NPR a few months ago. of course, I immediately sent it to my AP European History teacher from last year. I definitely am getting it from Netflix.
This movie is excellent, even if you don’t dig your history so much.
Brilliant casting, scripting, score and performance aside, I think most people will underestimate how hilarious this movie is at times.
I laughed as well. Oscar will love this.
Watched it last night and for a two hour long movie it went quite fast and was very enjoyable.
Everything was gorgeous.
Here’s a video of the real king’s speech if anyone hasn’t seen it,
That’s a really nice coat that guy has
Agreed. Probably did NOT get it at Ross.
I have a close school mate that’s involved in the Brit film industry and he’d been telling me about this project for about year now – I’d seen his past “stinkers”. When I was in London over the Christmas holiday I, of course, reluctantly dragged my feet all the way to the cinema – Please, don’t under estimate the subject matter, no one was better surprised than myself … it’s a definite winner!
Seems that all of Europe here has gone mad over it.