Kurt knows what he’s talking about. Also his surname means delight-good. Vonne is an alternate/old version of Wonne and gut is good. His ancestors must have been Sirens and fiddlers.
Learn sumptin new every day.
He also smoked like a car on fire for his whole life and lived to be a ripe old age.
Yeah, he once made a crack about planning to sue the tobacco companies because their products didn’t kill him earlier as advertised.
Were they Sirens of Titan? 😀
That or waking up without your penis must come pretty close.
This happens all the time.
It’s detachable.
that must come in handy a lot of times.
Kurt knows what he’s talking about. Also his surname means delight-good. Vonne is an alternate/old version of Wonne and gut is good. His ancestors must have been Sirens and fiddlers.
Learn sumptin new every day.
He also smoked like a car on fire for his whole life and lived to be a ripe old age.
Yeah, he once made a crack about planning to sue the tobacco companies because their products didn’t kill him earlier as advertised.
Were they Sirens of Titan? 😀
That or waking up without your penis must come pretty close.
This happens all the time.
It’s detachable.
that must come in handy a lot of times.