Here’s a free tip: Dont follow along with the sobriety tests. You dont have to… especially if you were just in a car accident. Youll have to blow into the breathalyzer -which is what theyll need to justify taking your blood, which is the only method of BAC detection they can convict you on – or theyll take you in. You don’t have to walk the line or say the alphabet. You arent making it easier on yourself, you are giving them evidence to convict you with. If you deny the brethalyzer theyll arrest you and take you blood, which may be under the legal limit by the time they draw it.
Car about to be pwned by Amtrak Cascades is my favorite.
Here’s a free tip: Dont follow along with the sobriety tests. You dont have to… especially if you were just in a car accident. Youll have to blow into the breathalyzer -which is what theyll need to justify taking your blood, which is the only method of BAC detection they can convict you on – or theyll take you in. You don’t have to walk the line or say the alphabet. You arent making it easier on yourself, you are giving them evidence to convict you with. If you deny the brethalyzer theyll arrest you and take you blood, which may be under the legal limit by the time they draw it.
The more you know