MCS Seems To Be Working Right Now
Added on January 18th, 2011 by Puulaahi | Report Post
Tags:Animated Images, Forum Fodder, Movies, Wayne's World
Tags:Animated Images, Forum Fodder, Movies, Wayne's World
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Idea: add the feature of being able to thumb up pictures and feature them high up on the main page.
Argue like an adult.
Thanks in advance.
They appear in the order they’ve been added. If you want bumping go to 4chan.
Everyone knows how it currently works, thanks.
If I wanted poor attempts at trolling comments *then* I’d head to 4chan.
sage goes in all fields
so, like reddit or digg, but for image, right
I guess (I haven’t been using those two sites, but I assume you know them better than me).
The way I see it is that it would encourage people to post images (and encourage discussions around the top pictures).
Interesting idea, but how do you know if you missed any images since the most popular are now at the top?
I normally scroll down until I hit the last pic I viewed last time I logged in.
If the first 3 or 4 pics are the same, a viewer might not think the site is being updated.
Same here. Scroll until I get to ones I’ve seen. Having more popular images at the top would force more scrolling, to get to the images that one hasn’t seen yet. Bad idea.
Having this wouldn’t have to exclude seeing the latest ones on the main page also.
Oh, and if you’re not using a RSS reader (like Google Reader) you’re missing out.
I couldn’t surf the web without my reader keeping track of all my favorite homepages.
good god. I have no clue how people use the internet without rss feeds.
I’ve just memorized the schedules of the 18 webcomics I read.
I couldn’t.