Gods have slept here

uzionbed.jpg (261 KB)

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    Won’t lie, based on the content of the picture, I had to check again to see that it wasn’t a Casemods pic.

    casemods UID# 667

    The similarity is noticeable.

    I’m 39% more awesome though.


    And the owner of this firearm, while probably a major asshat, is probably 1000% less douchebag than you.


    I immediately did the same thing- “geez, not that douche- oh. never mind.”

    casemods UID# 667

    Almost as awesome as me.

    needs more machete, though.

    and a camo paint job

    black mac 11’s are so 1996


    i like it

    casemods UID# 667


    casemods UID# 667

    All comments from now on will be implied that this is my bed, and that I am a god.




    This bed is too hot for you and shut up.


    I think what this photo proves is that gay people are, in fact, armed and can defend themselves.


    Pff that bed ain’t for sleeping; it’s for major BONING.

    Gary Generic

    Yes, and this is his bunk at Fort Cox.


    Is that a sideways painted Optimus Prime on the curtain?


    Those look like some bed sheets I had when I was 10. If they didn’t get turned into a sleeping bag for my little brother, I’d still be using the tattered remains.


    Uzi with pink tape deck. Classic.

    casemods UID# 667



    Could this photo be more 1986? Check out the 2 ghetto blasters. Yes, that is a pink ghetto blaster, on top of the 2 tape deck ghetto blaster on the floor.

    casemods UID# 667

    This is my retro room


    I honestly do not understand why people need guns.

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