I saw these two flatbeds on I-40 in Arkansas yesterday… I don’t know, but I got a funny feeling… like there was more than meets the eye.
I see what you did there.
I am so disappoint.
Those are state of the art.
You’re lack of humor and knowledge are both astounding.
Of course they’re state of the art. They’ve got frikken superior alien technology fer jeebus sake.
I swear; I never saw that one before – looks like I got pwned!
Autobots, transform and roll… off the back of the truck!
I see what you did there.
I am so disappoint.
Those are state of the art.
You’re lack of humor and knowledge are both astounding.
Of course they’re state of the art. They’ve got frikken superior alien technology fer jeebus sake.
I swear; I never saw that one before – looks like I got pwned!
Autobots, transform and roll… off the back of the truck!