Defensive Carnist

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    I just eat meat because it’s tasty.

    Most vegetarians are hypocrites, though. But, I don’t mind, it’s not my business.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    You know who else was a vegetarian? HITLER!


    Eat endangered species! It kills Hitler!


    A shitty half-assed one.


    I’m sorry but why should the val ue of my kitty cats life be equivocal to my 6 year old step-son? Better yet why should i value the life of an animal that has been specifically bred and raised for the purpose of being slaughtered and eaten by humans?


    Christ i hate catching typos right after hitting the submit button.


    You know what tastes really good? Medium rare Prime Rib.

    Luke Magnifico

    Defensive Vegetarian Bingo: Vegetarian Argues That They Are Right When In Fact They Are Wrong

    It’s a very easy game to win, it only have one tile.


    Done in one.


    I don’t care what you eat (as long as it isn’t me, or someone I like). I just get annoyed when you try to tell me what to eat (unless you want me to try something tasty).


    Eat pork ribs. They are excellent.


    You better watch out for michelle obama then.

    Insanely Rational

    Don’t hate vegans; they make the best Soylent Green…


    Vegans never outgrew their fear of the boogie-man. It’s all about who gets to eat and who gets eaten. If living requires eating and eating requires killing something, how is it they themselves can be exempt from being eaten? They think that the world is full of ogers out to get them.


    I must say, I have no fucking clue what you are on about here.


    “Eat or be eaten”, vegans put themselves in the “be eaten” category, yet try to exempt themselves from said imperative, or something like that…I think.


    They are afraid of “eating wrong” and by that action becoming food for something else.


    That still makes no sense.


    I don’t really have a good defense for eating meat. If I think with my morals gland I don’t think I should eat meat.

    My only real excuse is that I like eating it.

    Oh, and “preaching to you how preachy vegans are” isn’t really accurate. One is a sermon on animal suffering/cuteness/whatever, the other is a statement of fact.


    The point is that the person who gets to “preaching to you how preachy vegans are” is using this as an argument for why that person is not a vegan. It is not a strong argument, as it does not actually argue the subject matter.


    Yeah, that’s a dumb argument for not being a herbivore. Mostly it’s probably used as a random ad hominem, since it’s so easy making fun of people that are vegan.

    And, I’m sure you have more experience with this than I do, but it tends to be the vegan that’s on the defensive rather than the normal person.


    Odd that you say that, because my experience has been the opposite. As soon as someone finds out I’m vegan, those tiles up there start filling in quite quickly. I’m left standing there answering my personal opinion when the fact is I do not usually give a shit. I know I am not going to win the argument often because the person arguing wants to eat meat and are not going to change their mind. 80% of my extended family are dedicated hunters and I live in Texas. I get to go through this a lot.

    More often than not I am the one saying don’t tell me what to eat.


    So wait, you’re agreeing with me that you’re often defensive in these arguments?

    I don’t doubt that you will hear the things in the bingo squares, I’m just not agreeing that “defensive” is a good word to describe either the carnivore’s position or comments.


    No, not exactly. As soon as someone finds out I’m vegan, they seem to be threatened by and use the sort of things up there. They do not look defensive, but they are used in the way a cornered cat would .. except, the vegan is never cornering them so they thrash about look a foolish beast trying to argue something that the other party has no interest in arguing.

    That is only my experience, of course. I know there are quite a few vegans who are very aggressive with their belief. I tend not to talk about it unless it is relevant to the situation (this image, in this example).


    There needs to be a better term for folks who don’t eat meat for reasons other than those intertwined with the term vegan.


    Huh, where’s the “Like to eat meat and doesn’t give a fuck what you think” square?


    Goddamnit I knew this was going to be a big whinefest from all the meat eaters.


    You mean only eating grass gives you future-seeing powers?


    No, I mean that I saw the image and knew what would come from it.


    Don’t call us meat eaters! That’s racist!


    lol wut


    I don’t know… it’s late. I keep refreshing the same sites over and over again.

    Maxwell Edison

    What about all the animals that are trapped and/or killed to keep them from eating commercially produced vegetables?


    I went vegetarian because I hate the meat industry and self-important fat cunts who reckon they fought their way to the top of the food chain. You lazy shits, you can’t kill your own food, grow your own food, build your own homes, you walk on the footpath, you follow the rules. You didn’t fight for shit.
    I guess I just hate everyone and I like animals much more than people. They give love and food and clothing and expect nothing in return. Except cats, cats are kinda jerks

    Luke Magnifico

    Eating vegetables as an equivalent to militant anarchism.



    There are huge swathes of the human race who cannot afford to simply skip two of the four major food groups.

    The only reason you vegetarians can even survive is because you pay us meat-eaters to travel thousands of miles bearing your vitamin supplements and out-of-season fruits and nuts and veggies and exotic dietary additives to make up for it.

    Being a vegetarian does not mean you are healthier, smarter, wiser or more moral than the rest of your omnivorous species. It just means you are a spoiled child of Western privilege,and deserve to have the CRAP beaten out of you for your pretentiousness.


    I am a vegan.
    I take no supplements or additives.
    I eat local region foods 85% of the time.

    The concept that any man deserves a beating for his opinion is irresponsibly uncivilized.

    The only vegetarian or vegan diet that is not affordable is the foolish one: over-processed foods that resemble meat and dairy products to provide for the comfort zone and in fact are not very healthy at all.


    Hey, carnist faggots… Why don’t you shut the fuck up and go have your big piece of meat in your mouth… Or your anus, I don’t really care. Damn, you meat eaters are so gay…


    The card is a script. The opponent is allegedly limited to just those responses so …yay (imagined)victory. Many items of leftist idiocy require a controlled ‘discussion’ environment. Simpering, giggling, making ticks on a piece of paper. No wonder the rest of the world is eating our lunch.

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