huxley vs orwell

huxley vs orwell.jpg (710 KB)

I thought half of this the first time i read this book in high school

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    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Brave New World is rather optimistic. The people might have been brainwashed and ignorant, but at least the leadership (like Mustapha Mond) knew what they were doing and acted in the best interest of society. What we actually seem to be headed towards is a society where ignorance in the populace is used to cover up the incompetence of the elites.


    It sounds just like something an elitesits would say.


    incompetence; or social reconstruction?


    delete reconstruction, insert re-engineering.


    Idiocracy, anyone?


    Oh wait, I’m thinking of Fahrenheit 451, my opinion is thus invalid. Sorry.


    imo, our present dilemma is a fusion of these two


    I concur, we are definitely seeing signs of both. We’re losing civil liberties for the sake of security, just look at the number of CCTV cameras in London, and I know plenty of people who don’t read books, because there is too much other media bombarding them with utter crap like ‘reality tv’ (which is a stupid name for something that is not even remotely real).

    Neither to nearly the extend of 1984 or a Brave New World, but still, it looks like we are slowly moving towards both.



    The Matrix: Rebooted

    With quite a bit of Soylent Green as well.


    Are humans the most numerous mammals? It certainly could help the economy.


    With just a twist of colossus the forbin project.


    I can has natural selection back?


    What’s wrong with getting killed (or “ruined”) by what we love?


    Staying high on soma and having orgies would be an awesome future. Plus FUCKING FLYING CARS!

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