what would casemods do?

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    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Smoke meth, huff paint, wear lady clothes, hang out in public restrooms and complain about not getting laid.




    make bracelets


    If that boy was on fire in front of my home I wouldn’t piss on him to put him out.


    Of course, everyone knows you put out that type of fire by beating it excessively with a shovel.


    No, you throw a gasoline soaked blanket on him.


    Suck cocks.


    Hopefully he would learn how to use photoshop so he could align that text properly.

    But probably not –


    I’m guessing he’d post some pathetic, self indulgent picture of himself under the delusion that it shows how cool he is(n’t), then shed the facade of the self-absorbed would-be alpha male that can barely see past the veneer of his own self-inflated ego and go cry in some dark corner contemplating slitting his wrists.


    He is contemplating the enormous buttplug/fountain behind him. Can he take it?


    Is that an onion adorned with suction cups?


    no mater what the situation, hed build a minibike. thats it.


    Act like a douche and post a picture of it?


    Die in a fire?


    Spam M[c]S?


    He’d post lame image of himself and/or stuff he claims to own (but could be anyone’s stuff really) and then act like he’s important when in fact everyone knows that he’s really just an emotional cripple in dire need of therapy and/or a good beating (probably the latter).


    So much plus voting in one thread.

    He’d also probably complain about the tits being too saggy or too firm, or too small or too big or the woman being too fat. Because he’d rather do that than admit he likes cock.


    Please let it be DIAF… oh please!


    He’d turn tricks down at Jack London Square


    Teach trolling as a art


    Oh please, this is amateur level.


    I’d say he’s done a remarkable job. The shit storm he causes with every post is unreal – he’s like a celebrity troll. We need more people posting their stupid faces on here to dilute him.


    He’s only catching weak-minded shrimp. Anyone can do that.


    Nah, if you see other trolls, they just say shit like “You suck lol!” and inflammatory statements. Casemod however, doesn’t need to say anything for us to all wish he would hold his head under the water for 5 minutes.


    There being worse trolls doesn’t make him any better, but thanks for your input.


    AS TGGEKO stated. Case mods is amazing.

    Also, there have been cases of him being correct.

    Indeed, when he first started here, he was very useful at dragging out other trolls and making them look retarded. Truly he is masterful at his art, regardless of what you think of him.


    You people are so easily impressed. Perhaps that’s a good thing.


    Jump in and drown?


    Be the unrelenting shame of his father and his father’s father.


    Smile and meditate on the fact that it only took 5 years, 400 hundred pictures of discount clothes and electronics, 3 score troll-based flamewars, 2 humiliated parents and a NSFW cockshot to be approved for automatic Tikibot posts?


    WAIT A MOTHERFUCKING MINUTE — IS /HE/ TIKIBOT!? One how the hell did I miss that and two… oh, the RAGGGEEE

    I thought there was just some filter for automatic approval of everything Tiki loved most: Casemods revenue increasing failboating and porn.


    How could you even allow this late blooming future therapy magnet to take your name in vain, Tiki!?

    tiki god

    he’s not, there’s a “display name” field that you can make say anything you want. that’s the reason that the UID# is shown next to everyone’s comments.

    it’s a stupid worthless piece of shit feature of wordpress, I should really go in and rip that fucking cock sucking shit out of there, but I’m tired man.

    so tired.


    Well Shit


    Or maybe

    teezy weezy

    masturbate furiously


    he is no longer casemods.. he couldnt afford the domain name and make payments on his auto zone tricked out jimmy! casemods is now douchemods


    Digging the ‘fro dude.

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