I agree, I love it. Usually I prefer long hair on most people but some women pull it off ridiculously well. I wish I were brave enough to do it just once in my life, I don’t know maybe it’s got also to do with attitude. It probably maybe does.
I didn’t imply anything. I flat out stated it as a fact and I stand by it. Ms Portman is an attractive lady, I’ll give you that. She’s “real life hot” but as far as actresses go she’s nothing special… Sure she’s got brains and proven acting chops but based purely on sex appeal she’s not anywhere near the top of the pile.
She’s a cute kid. She needs a stylist though. Anne Hathaway had a similar problem when she turned 18. Hair and clothes were all goofy. Now she looks pretty good.
this isn’t even relevant anymore lol
I agree, I love it. Usually I prefer long hair on most people but some women pull it off ridiculously well. I wish I were brave enough to do it just once in my life, I don’t know maybe it’s got also to do with attitude. It probably maybe does.
I usually like shorter hair so I think she looks amazing
GADAMMIT! shes just so stunning with short hair. and her face just compliments her hairstyle so well. and those legs! AAAGH be my valentine?
Natalie Portmen shaved her head and so did Demi Moore. Who gives a shit!
neither of them are half as cute as Emma Watson though. And there is a difference between a shaved head & a pixie cut.
Their both low cut non traditional haircuts for women.
>implying natalie portman is not 1/2 as cute as emma watson
srsly, i’ve got the biggest boner for emma, but you just lost any credibility you had
I didn’t imply anything. I flat out stated it as a fact and I stand by it. Ms Portman is an attractive lady, I’ll give you that. She’s “real life hot” but as far as actresses go she’s nothing special… Sure she’s got brains and proven acting chops but based purely on sex appeal she’s not anywhere near the top of the pile.
Emma IS the pile though.
Of shit.
dude… [drawing his lightsaber]
demi more was kinda lezzy to me cause of GI Jane.
Jus Sayin.
What is that red flower?
England’s remembrance day, like America’s veterans day. Basically, supporting the troops.
Ah. Thanks.
and its called a poppy.
Before, i’d hit that
now? i’d hit that until the heat caused us to weld together.
fuck this annoying bitch.
She’s a cute kid. She needs a stylist though. Anne Hathaway had a similar problem when she turned 18. Hair and clothes were all goofy. Now she looks pretty good.
She’s also flashing her tits every 3rd movie so that’s another plus.
Erin, you people obsessing over Emma Watson IS a real problem.
hey, suck my dick, haters gonna hate
I don’t understand.
I don’t understand this.
She looks like shit with short hair.
This picture would be hot if she had long hair, but since I’m not attracted to guys, the short hair is a turn off.
as if you’re not attracted to guys
Do her legs look short to anyone else
The sign says she’s hotter.
good internets sir