My Thanksgiving Turkey. I draped bacon over the bird, two pieces on each side of the breast and a piece over the leg and thigh on each side. I stuffed it will a whole white onion, roughly chopped with two pieces of bacon laid on top of that. It came out so moist and tender that I had difficulty getting the bird from the pan to the serving plate. It kept falling apart. I then made gravy from the drippings. It was SO GOOD!
Good idea if you don’t like the taste of whatever you’re wrapping the bacon around. Personally I only wrap vegan meals in bacon.
This is a good solution for giving turkey a fucking taste, stupid ass worthless bird.
Turkey actually has a good flavor if it is cooked properly. Most people just don’t do it right and either overcook it to dry death or don’t use the proper seasonings. I do like the idea of bacon wrapping it just for the additional basting properties it would have. and after all bacon rules!
The taste of the bacon complimented the taste of the turkey nicely. We could taste both throughout the bird, and in the gravy.
If you have to struggle to make it taste good, it means that normally it wouldn’t taste good.
You had me from bacon.
I don’t like bacon 😮
looks fucking disgustingly fat