I don’t remember what bathroom this is

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    So I’m supposed to write something mean here but that’s a nice beard.


    You don’t remember what bathroom that was, but you do remember how much cock you sucked in it?


    he just has a wide stance


    I’m beginning to suspect that Casefag is really Tiki…and that makes me sad. 🙁


    You had to go on and say it didn’t you. Now I’m sad too 🙁


    No, I was just going to say that! Because how else could he possibly get this long @ss posts with half a dozen pictures of his face up here? It’s not like casemods increases traffic. And since they’re obviously taking up bandwith and space and everybody hates them, why wouldn’t Tiki delete them? If it is Tiki, I’m really sad, cause he’s trolling his own website.

    And also, I like Tiki.

    Super Loco

    Fucking fag, this guy needs some punches in his girly face!


    Same shit, different…bathroom.


    Or not.


    OK, so why are you taking pictures of yourself in a bathroom. And how many bathrooms do you do it in that you can’t remember which is which?


    He makes lots of extra money in men’s restrooms. He takes pictures to use in advertising.

    “Hey, Congressman! I’m in the restroom just down the hall! Don’t you need to “wash your hands” or something?”


    Casedad sweated nervously in his stall; his own private nirvana-the one place where he could find solace from his familial prison. He had taken to utilizing new and uncharted public restrooms in his quest to escape… him.

    Casedad had been forced out of his comfort zone:

    Growing up, he had never had much problem making use of his home lavatory. But in the past few years, he had developed an uneasy feeling in his home bathroom; something he could not place his finger on, but some unholy spirit seemed to have abruptly taken up residence in his bathroom. He felt it had something to do with the mirror, but he could find no evidence of foul play. Only something dark and vain which lurked at him from the magical depths of the mirror’s soul.

    Being a handyman, he decided the logical course of action would be to simply replace the mirror, and so he installed new glass in the bathroom, and dug a trench in his backyard. in this trench he lowered the mirror, and covered it with a foot of concrete, then put the dirt back in the hole.

    His efforts seemed to work. Casedad found he could take a shit in peace in his own house again. But as time rolled on, his daily constitutional got progressively more and more unsettling, until one day he found himself sitting there, trying to enjoy a good dump, and the darkness called to him from the mirror. Yes, it was definitely the mirror, he thought to himself.

    And so, he repeated his process of installing a new mirror, and burying the old. when he would dig the hole to put the mirror in, he could feel the evil wafting up through the earth and the concrete. What could be causing such evil to concentrate in his bathroom mirror?

    After months of this, Casedad realized that he would have to take a different approach. It was getting so he could not shit in his own house. And so, he decided the answer would be to add another bathroom to his home. His remodeling skills were up to it, and so he set out to complete his task. Eureka! Weeks of hard work finally paid off, and he was able to shit in peace. Casedad was glad he had sprung for an king sized commode.


    It was there. He could feel it. There had to be a solution to this problem. Suddenly, it came to him: he would just use public restrooms. This definitely had it’s drawbacks, but not much is worse than not being able to shit.

    So began a new chapter in Casedad’s adventure. Everyday, he would stop at a coffee shop or a gas station or a mcdonalds, and take a painful dump. then he would go about his day. Sadly, he was never fully comfortable in these bathrooms, and felt twinges of the evil presence even there. Department store bathrooms were the worst. He couldn’t even enter a TJ MAxx or a Ross.

    His dilemma was profound. “What was causing such evil to populate the bathrooms of San Jose”, he thought, as he sat there, forcing a very awkward turd out. It splashed water up onto his left ass cheek. And then he had an epiphany: he would travel out of town to take his shits.

    OMG this worked. No matter which restroom he found himself in, there was no trace of the evil presence as long as he went out of town to do his business!! Life was finally looking up for Casedad…


    And so we return to our hero, nervously shitting in his stall. What could cause this? Why would the evil show up here, in this place, at this time? He felt the presence getting stronger, growing and getting closer. He heard the doorknob to the restroom jiggle, then turn, then the creeeeeeaaaaak of the door as it opened.

    A wave of pure faggotry overtook him. YES, this was the source. It had found him. Fear began to send it’s tendrils through his heart, and its grip was tight. As he trembled, he peeked out through the crack in the stall’s door… and there he saw a man he knew! The boy he had raised alone, motherless, unloved… Stood there before the mirror in the bathroom. What was he doing here? And then he saw his son take something out of his pocket and fiddle with it. what could it be? All that was visible to him through the crack was his son’s back. Suddenly Casedad saw his boy raise his hand and… *pa-chik* *pa-chik* wirr *Pa-chik*

    “Pictures? He’s taking pictures of himself in a public bathroom?”, Casedad thought to himself as his anus sealed itself shut…




    Read it in Morgan Freemans Voice


    March of the Casedad


    You are my hero, natedog.


    *Begins slow clap*


    this had me silently convulsing in laughter

    Malta Soron

    The Casedad posts make it all worth it.


    Q: “I don’t remember what bathroom this is”
    A: “Clearly, the ladies room.”


    You were really drunk.


    So many glory holes, so little recollection.


    It is NOT the bathroom with the blonde hottie in the undersized denim crotch cover.

    If it is in an airport, then be careful there, case. That facial hair you starting to rock has you looking like 5 of the CIAs ’10 most wanted dead’ list.


    just like George Michael, crappy beard and a thing for bathrooms


    It’s the bathroom of the theater that was playing Harry Potter where you sucked off all the 12 year old boys. How could you forget that.


    Ok no one has said it bluntly in a while. so here it goes.


    Malta Soron

    Looking at the first picture, I think his head is too small for his body. Maybe that’s the problem.


    prolly the same restroom (not “bathroom” dumbass) George Michael was known to hang out at… casefag i am disapoint


    dont both responding i dont give a shit about your lame ass responses to your hate club members.


    ………..was that a sentence?

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