COD black cops screens

cod-black-cops.jpg (378 KB)

cycles.jpg (434 KB)

I don’t see any black cops in this game but it’s pretty good so far.

I’m sure I’ll beat the single player in 2 hours just like modern welfares (which again, I saw nothing about welfare)

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    I think White cops would be better, Rodney King could be final boss


    Single player is aweful, you might as well have a white screen because that is what gets flashed in your face all the time. Multiplayer is good, single player terrible.


    I actually play these games for the single player campaigns, I’m not into multiplayer, and even though I know their strong fort is multi, I can’t get into it.

    I’m not into competition, I’m more about objectives and storyline. Replay value is too damn low to merit a purchase though.


    Modern Warfare 2 is so much better.


    The multiplayer?
    I cannot believe you can get worse than mw2 multi…tried playing it yesterday…join game, waiting, could not migrate host, join, wait, start game, host drops, transfering blocks, lag lag lag, quit.

    Malta Soron

    Damn that shit is fugly. And they’re calling this next-gen graphics? Half-Life 2 looked better six years ago.


    Also you can play through bits of it without even firing:

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    This game is great.

    All the jokes in here suck.

    : that’s your isp’s fault not the f’ing games. I play this all the time. Number of games lagged out on = 0.

    As far as the single player: try playing on the harder settings. I always hear people say they beat this shit in ‘like 4 hours’ but its always on the easiest setting. So its your own fault. Don’t bitch cause you were dumb enough to short change yourself. That makes you a casemods.

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