I wub u towuh wack

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    Kik Dogg

    I’m glad to see that you cleaned it off before you reinstalled it.


    Your mom really should have swallowed.


    Why don’t you wear that awesome Billabong jacket anymore?

    You look REALLY nice in it.


    Nice hand me down 80’s Quiksilver shirt kook.


    That explains the ugliness.


    Could we please NOT see this inbred, halfwit, self absorbed, cock-suckers face on the main page? It just put me off my dinner! It’s like a buzzard puked on a pile of cow shit!


    This is a serious question.

    Why do you post here? Everyone hates you.

    You’re about as popular as airborne AIDS.


    Uh no. It’s a fictional goddamn form of AIDS, you dolt.

    Nobody (sane) wants it and no one is taking risks to get it.

    You couldn’t have missed the point more if you tried.

    Also, negative points for avoiding the question, pussy.


    So your Dad is keeping you locked in the bathroom. Is it for punishment, out of shame or has he been on a bender and forgotten where the keys are again?


    What the fuck is this shit?

    You need to reintroduce yourself to a razor. You look like shit…even more than usual.


    That’s a gruesome neck beard.


    Can’t come up with anything clever? Just repeat something you heard on the internet. Originality is overrated.

    So I’ll ask again. Why do you post here? Just trolling for a attention?

    Malta Soron

    Fuck you. About the only thing this wanker’s ever done right is growing a proper beard. Probably only because it’s hip, but it’s still better than those faggy metrosexuals with their babylike cheeks.


    can you at least get out of the way so we can see towel rack?


    You look like a terrorist.


    Casemods, never change



    I often wonder if his dad is like ‘I wonder what my douchey son is up too…’

    These days Casedads could be found out in the garage, but not for the reasons you would think. Most men go to their garage to tinker on a piece of equipment, or to use it as a place to crack open a beer and listen to the game. But not Casedads, no. He uses the garage to get away from his son.

    His son. Once the pride and joy of his life, but now… not so much. Scratching his head he silently wondered “Where did I go wrong?” Scenarios ran through his mind.

    It had to be that Saturday back in 2002, the day the carnival was in town. Casemods wanted to go so bad. He wanted to get his face painted like a clown, but Casedads had to work that day.

    Or maybe it was that Tuesday back in 2007, that night where Casemods begged his father to take him out to see Shrek the 3rd. “He wanted to go so bad.” Casedads thought, but there was no way he was going to miss his favorite show, “Deal or No Deal”.

    With a sigh, Casedads knew he had to make it up to him. He was going to take his son to the Farmers Market. Get him out of the house (and get him some fresh air).

    Casedads went back into the house and took that oh so familiar walk down the hallway to the rear of the trailer. He opened his sons door and looked inside. That familiar sound of the tapping of keys and clicking of a camera shutter were not heard. The chair in front of his computer was empty, the window was wide open. Casemods was gone.

    Casedads made his way to his son’s computer and clicked the shift key to bring it out of sleep mode.

    The picture at first was fuzzy, but as it came into focus Casedads observed his son leaning against the towel rack with a 2 month old unkempt beard; a douchey smile was on his sons face. Casedads could do nothing but shake his head.

    “He looks like Kaczynski” Casedads said aloud “And when will he stop fucking that towel rack?”

    Enough was enough. Casedads was going to put his foot down. No more ignoring the problem…it was time to come up with a solution.

    He was going to make his son shave off that ridiculous beard, then he was going to break that stupid camera, and then he was going to actually hang a towel on the towel rack. All this had to be done, to make his son learn. To teach him that being a douchebag who takes pictures of himself for attention is not cool, and to go outside and throw a football around. Oh, and that if you buy something for cheap, it means that that item is cheap, and even though you think its cool, ITS NOT COOL.

    BUT, like many times before, thats when the Marijuana kicked in, and Casedads no longer gave a fuck. He went back to the garage and shut the door behind him, using a green mini-bike as a makeshift chair to rest his weary feet.


    “He looks like Kaczynski”
    Cool story Bro.


    For realz.


    Casemods is my favourite troll. Tiki is a close second





    Casemods, I think you look better without the beard.

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