Sorry, people… Li-2
“The Lisunov Li-2, originally designated PS-84 (NATO reporting name: Cab), was a license-built version of the Douglas DC-3. (…). The project was directed by aeronautical engineer Boris Pavlovich Lisunov.”
“(…) over 1,200 engineering changes from the Douglas engineering drawings, and it was no small task for Vladimir Myasishchev* to change all dimensions from U.S. customary units** to metric units (…)”
*”After his return to Soviet Russia, Lisunov with Vladimir Myasischev, started the process of re-engineering the DC-3 with the objective of putting the DC-3 into production as a licenced derivative, some time later named Li-2.”
**Stupid units! 🙂
Why in the world would to change from Standard to French Metric?
Because the metric system is superior in every way.
I rest my case
How old are you? Hating on the French is what people did how many years ago? The metric system is the universal standard for scientific research for a reason. Your outdated view of the French belongs in a museum.
Seven years, because France didn’t want to join America in their illegal invasion of Iraq. Think of stuff like renaming French Fries to Freedom Fries.
Not to mention the renaming of french kissing to “slurpy tongue waggling”.
So is the Statue of Liberty.
If this were true then it would be the standard in the US.
That’s a good one.
<3 propellers.