My zombie template

zombie template.jpg (1 MB)

So the basic theme of this getup is to be light and quiet. Also on the lookout for other humans, as well as zombies.

Always a good idea to scout other survivors to see if they’re friendly or not.

It don’t matter how ugly you are. You put on a balaclava, you become a badass mofo wid er’body lookin’ over dem shoulders at you.

In case a zombie comes up and is all like, “yo i’ma projectile vomit this shit all up in your grill”
and then my goggles be all, “oh no you di’int” and fuckin’ blocks my eyes from that shit.

To carry shit.

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    Excellent gear and strategy.

    casemods UID# 667

    Goggles really restrict vision

    It’ almost a deciding factor if you’re going to live or not.

    Same with gas mask.

    The zombie rules need to be specified to ascertain if goggles would be needed or not.


    I would add a SCAR-H. A grenade launcher for those hordes and let’s not forget claymores because eventually you will need to sleep and nobody wants to sleep when zombies can pop up from any corner.

    casemods UID# 667

    replace claymores with motion/heat sensing sentry guns


    Ehhhhh… explosives are usually bad idea. Grenade into the middle of a pack of zombies, shrapnel goes out, goes through zombie, hits you, you’re infected.


    “Anywhere that speaks English”

    How ironic.

    casemods UID# 667

    *doesn’t get it*


    Not sure bout that CQ8. I’m a bigger fan of the M4 for more tactical versatility and fires 308’s which can be found in most gun stores as well as popular places like Walmart. Yes a silencer is a must. Also invest in a basic survival pocket guide and an infantry man’s primer guide, both tell you how to set up traps and defensive positions for any incoming enemies (trip wire with siren).

    Also would rather have a solid mace of some kind, preferably only about 30 inches long. To each their on though.

    There are great thermal goggles out there with periphery lenses which give you HUGE amounts of line of sight. Don’t forget a camel back and good running boots. Bates Light Running are what I use to wear.


    Correction. With a mod you can fire 308’s, forgot I had that done. Usually fires .223’s or 45’s, still quite common at most sporting good stores.


    Yeah, like replacing the lower, the upper, bolt, mags, and gas system, sure it’s a drop in mod to turn an M4 into an AR-10.


    “In case a zombie comes up and is all like, “yo i’ma projectile vomit this shit all up in your grill””

    I think I’m in love with you.


    Real life silencers are much louder than movie silencers. They cut about 30 decibels off. It’ll still be AT LEAST as loud as a power saw hitting the 3 inch mark on a board. Much louder than the mouse fart movie silencer sound, created in an audio lab for movie magic.

    Still, with a wide enough dispersion of the zom-zoms, it might be enough to avoid drawing TOO many to you.


    XM-15/AR15/M4 with a silencer and a .22 lr drop in bolt is pretty quiet. If you have a gas piston set up and set on off it’ll cycle like a single shot that is as quiet as the movies. Don’t knock the .22 lr, hitmen often use it. Also, takes about 15 seconds to switch bolts and you’re running .223’s. .22s are good for hunting small game if you’re out of food and you can carry a boat load of rounds.

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