New mac 11 NS2 GBB

DSCN7010.JPG (603 KB)

$120, 2 clips.

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    tiki god

    from where? I just bought 4 airsoft pistols for my halloween costume and only spent like 70 bucks, 50 of which was for the two tomb raider prop replicas.

    two of these:

    and two of these:

    plus these:

    add to that, this:

    plus a snuggie as a scarf (yeah really, it works pretty well) and a 100% pimp hat from M&R:

    I’m gonna be the shadow. it’ll be awesome and I’ll post pictures!


    I demand pics of you in a snuggie.

    tiki god

    I get that weak shit on the spring ones too, sometimes they’ll feed liek 5 or 6 bbs at once and they just roll out instead of shooting out.

    also, I want to hear you talk on youtube.


    Hahaha shit sucks

    White Scorpion

    Thank you for not showing your face in the video. It would have been such a embarrassment to the family.


    I have a whole collection of water pistols, outdated cell phones, junky stereos and used condoms. I’ll sell them to you cheap.


    I didn’t realize Apple made guns.


    shame its broken




    You could have bought a “REAL” gun for that price. Childs play..


    How much for the blanket? Or did you steal that from some homeless guy?


    Meh, toy guns are for children, get a real weapon.


    Do you still live at home with PAPA ? Buy a gun rob a bank go to france.

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    480 x 360 500 x 281 500 x 375 500 x 500 500 x 750 600 x 450 600 x 600 600 x 750 600 x 800 600 x 900 640 x 480 640 x 640 640 x 800 640 x 853 640 x 960 720 x 720 720 x 960 750 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 800 960 x 720 960 x 960 1024 x 683 1024 x 768 1080 x 1080 1080 x 1350 1200 x 630 1200 x 800 1200 x 900 1280 x 720 1280 x 800 1280 x 960 1280 x 1024 1440 x 900 1600 x 900 1600 x 1200 1680 x 1050 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1200 2048 x 1536 2560 x 1440 2560 x 1600 3024 x 4032 3840 x 2160 x

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