I cannot appropriately express how honoured I feel at this moment. You also made excellent choices, a treehouse is always the number one shelter I think of when considering a zombie apocalypse.
well, your zombie knowledge alone would get you in. but there is the mental stimulation i would get from you, along with your intelligence and problem solving skills.
My plan is to prep as much as I can, then hide out on the top floor of my house. Shoot only targets that pose a threat. .22lr for zombies, .223 for looters/troublemakers. Have a corn field across the street for growing shit. Pretty sure the heavy rescues around the local volunteer departments will be left behind to use as a bug out vehicle.
bring it, zeds. you can’t handle my girth
I cannot appropriately express how honoured I feel at this moment. You also made excellent choices, a treehouse is always the number one shelter I think of when considering a zombie apocalypse.
well, your zombie knowledge alone would get you in. but there is the mental stimulation i would get from you, along with your intelligence and problem solving skills.
also, boobs 😀
My plan is to prep as much as I can, then hide out on the top floor of my house. Shoot only targets that pose a threat. .22lr for zombies, .223 for looters/troublemakers. Have a corn field across the street for growing shit. Pretty sure the heavy rescues around the local volunteer departments will be left behind to use as a bug out vehicle.
hey, my melee weapon (lightsaber) cauterizes and sterilizes as it terrorizes