
0929101304.jpg (305 KB)

jk itz meee

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    you still need a friend tho


    Great costume, very scary. Please change your mask before the kiddies come around ‘trick or treating’. You could potentially scar them for life and that isn’t very nice.


    That is no costume. That is Casemods daily douche wear.


    Seriously, is Case fucking Tiki or something? Can’t imagine why else his idiotic pictures keep getting posted…


    Because every time someone clicks through to post a comment, and then the page refreshes once the comment is made…..page views = mega money dollar!


    Trolling the locker room, looking for anonymous dick? That is how he rolls.

    Ductile Logistics

    Fuck you in your fuckin ass casemods, being a douche isnt a costume if you rock it every day!


    Okay, Case…

    1) There is a good reason most locker rooms have signs up saying that photography is not allowed. It’s just plain common courtoisy.

    2) I wear wifebeaters as undershirts too. No shame in owning one. Wearing it as an outer-shirt and/or thinking it makes you look good is something you’re supposed to outgrow by about 15.

    3) 1986 called, they want their sunglasses back. Seriously, do you want to fly fast jets with Goose and the gang, then play slightly homoerotic volleyball, sing Righteous Brothers songs and stare intensely at nothing while Kelly McGillis falls for you for no particularly good reason?


    So you can tan your shoulders, but still have ridiculous tan lines? Seriously, exactly who is it that you think you are going to impress by having tan skin on the parts of you not covered by this shirt, that would be covered by a shirt that provides you some dignity?


    Some people like to wear mirrored aviators because Boss Godfrey from Cool Hand Luke wore them, and was awesome.


    Emphasis on “was.” He was cool in the 60s. Lots of things are cool in the 60s that don’t work today. If you’re dressing up as a retro character for halloween or a costume party, rock on, that’s cool. If you’re walking around in mirrored aviators in 2010, you’re either decidedly failing to revive a dead fashion trend, or an idiot. Casemods showing up here wearing fashion that was last fashionable when he was in diapers is not a way to show off. period.


    Did you get those aviators at the dollar store? They look like the “upgrade” ones for $1.29


    spend more than 217 dollars on a pair of sunglasses then come see me.


    And spending that much money on sunglasses makes one special how?
    Just sayin’.


    I think Tiki keeps posting Casemods’ pictures because he’s such an obvious troll, and everyone keeps falling for it over and over. If you pay attention when he’s not trollin’, Case posts some pretty constructive shit.


    Okay, no one is “falling for it.” Everyone knows damn well that Casemods enjoys having people give him attention by calling him out on being a troll. That’s obvious. Most people simply don’t care. They still get the visceral thrill of feeling superior to someone, and he still gets the visceral thrill of that addictive, addictive attention. It is a mutualistic relationship. I agree that his posts are better when he’s not whoring for the masses. Frankly, if he was just an image-blogger showing us whatever home/car/computer upgrade he was doing by hand, he’d actually be a pretty entertaining blog character. That said, I’ve seen people waste time and effort in much more ridiculous ways.

    At least he’s not regaling us with his latest World of Warcraft exploits or something.


    When is he NOT trolling? Show me ONE freaking post from him that is “constructive”.


    Depends on your definition. By now, anything he does seems like cam-whoring. Deliberately showing himself wearing terrible fashion is a lot worse, however, than him showing us an actual project that he’s working on. The later is him imagining that we care about him upgrading his crappy car, while the former is very deliberately posting stuff he knows is pathetic to make us yell at him about how pathetic he is.


    I think he’s misleading you then. The point of him posting shit posts about his shit projects is NOT to actually get advice about them, as he pretends. It is simply a different shade of “look at me, look at me” pathetic-ness. He couldn’t give a rip about any actual advice he gets from anyone here, good or bad. The point is just to be in our faces. I stand by my original position that nothing he posts is actually constructive. The few times when he’s not actually TRYING to be obnoxious, and makes a relevant comment on a post are a few-and-far-between breath of fresh air. Sadly, most of the time he aims for douchebag or lower, and quite accurately hits the mark.

    White Scorpion

    Ignore the haters. They’re just jealous. You get more handsome every day. And I love all your terrific posts.

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