The dull effect is on purpose. It gives the drawings a specific feeling that you can’t achieve with harsh contours. This way it seems like the artist’s mind is all over the place, like all this mess evolved from his imagination spontaneously. Using ink requires the artist to plan it out and think details over.
I <3 DieA.
She can sling the art show BS with the best of them; it's too bad that lawyering generally pays better, or we could have a new Warhol on our hands.
wow. what the fuck is goin on in here?
thats good but u need to go over it with a black marker. pencil lines make it so dull. not so much on the last 2
The dull effect is on purpose. It gives the drawings a specific feeling that you can’t achieve with harsh contours. This way it seems like the artist’s mind is all over the place, like all this mess evolved from his imagination spontaneously. Using ink requires the artist to plan it out and think details over.
I <3 DieA.
She can sling the art show BS with the best of them; it's too bad that lawyering generally pays better, or we could have a new Warhol on our hands.
*votes 2nd one*
Why would you post this without stating the artist?
I fucking love this shit and I know others who will as well.