Please, I’m sure there are pics out there of supposedly hot women (that hair has been crimped and permed into oblivion) on bigwheels. That doesn’t make them age appropriate. If she drove that thing for a block, she would get a charlie-horse or rip her feet off.
Casemods is clearly jealous of this kid. WIN
Holy double post from hell. WTF is this shit Tiki?
WOW has she got a big blue penis!
An Kingofreposts
She looks like she’s disappointed that they had to remove the seat cushion and it doesn’t feel as good as she thought it would.
10 year old smooth ass, perfect.
Please, I’m sure there are pics out there of supposedly hot women (that hair has been crimped and permed into oblivion) on bigwheels. That doesn’t make them age appropriate. If she drove that thing for a block, she would get a charlie-horse or rip her feet off.
I thought casemods cleaned up pretty well. Are the boobs permanent or falsies? The bike looks sharp as well.