5 years ago today I was really really bored and wanted to make another website.
So I made MCS and people came and visited it and it was great.
Thanks for being here!
There’s now five years worth of “on this day” in the header of the site, please be sure to click through to have fond memories of images of yesteryear.
Gratz!! To the Hell To the YES!!
btw… FIRST!!
fuck yeah. happy burfday, McS!!!
i think i will be starting at day one and reliving this bad motherfucker from conception until i got here some 1905 posters in
I did that when I first came to MCS It took me 2 weeks so worth it.
Yup, did that as well.
Still in the process.
that’s great…is there going to be cake?
I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but it’s so boring that it feels like a fucking eternity.
Awww, I am disappointed and sad, 🙁
Under the assumption that these mysterious “X years ago” tabs allowed me passage back through interwebz time, I attempted to travel far enough back to see the big bang/beginning of the internets through the repeated use of “X years ago,” but was disappointed to discover that tiki had toyed with me by claiming to open a portal into the past, when he had merely manipulated my PERCEPTION of time…
tl;dr – tiki does NOT in fact have mastery over time through the use of his “x years ago” tabs, and the recent encounter between him and I involving his shattering of the hopes and dreams he had built up inside me could be likened to that of me as Allan Warner from “The Foundations,” and Tiki as one “Buttercup, baby.”
it’s over 60,000 members.
http://www.myconfinedspace.com/forum/profile.php?id=66402 <latest.
I like the sound of this Hatsoff guy, I hope we can be friends.
ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!111!!
btw, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday M[c]S, happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
yes, it got spammed pretty heavily with russian spammers that registered accounts. it was horrible.
How many gallons of alcohol ago was this?
OVER 9000
oh god, let’s see, we’ll do a conservative estimate of 1 gallon of whiskey a month, and 20 beers per month, so
20×60 = 1200 beers at 12 ounces each = 14,400 ounces, which is about 112.5 US gallons of beer and about 60 gallons of whiskey, all in 5 years, conservatively
MCS is just a secret liver donor list, isn’t it?
Trade you a partial liver transplant for MCS+.
5 years is a long time in the blogosphere. I know that.
Congratulations on starting on the next 5.
B&P brought me here my 2 favorites is like a ritual to check both blogs every couple hours!!! Thanks!
Oh hi jonco! B&P brought me here too back in the day! (I’m plain ‘538’ over there when I rarely comment)
Same, regarding the B&P -> McS transition. Great stuff, guys!
Bits and Pieces, jonco’s blog.
thanks man, one day our bikes will cross paths.
it’ll help if I actually get off my ass and buy another bike, but still, thanks for stickin around 😉
Thanks for the kind words.
5 years of drunken sobriety!
Excellent. I made Madonna a part of all this Anniversary business. Imagine what she’ll look like in 5 years.
Congrats. 5 Years of wasted productivity!
5 years of hanging around on the internet with us.
God damn, Tiki, your life makes me sad.
I didn’t know yesteryear was a word, I came here to ridicule you for it but then Chrome didn’t put a red squiggly line. Oh the things this site has taught me.
Who would down vote this? Hooray for learning!
They down voted you too. I think they took me seriously on the ridicule part. I’m really afraid of being sarcastic lately, especially on the Internet. I LOVE TIKI I WOULD NEVER RIDICULE HIM OR HIS ALCOHOL PROBLEM
See I did it again, I can’t help myself. No but really, my English was really bad when I first signed up. And now I’m practically a professional English speaker, I could speak English for a living if I wanted. Maybe. In Iceland perhaps. Or not. I didn’t know Bigfoot was also called Sasquatch, Sasquatch is such an amazing word, why call him Bigfoot.
Out of all that, I agree with the Sasquatch thing.
[From Wikipedia]
The term “sasquatch” is an anglicized derivative of the word “Sésquac” which means “wild man” in a Salish Native American language.
First time I see you express some kind of emotion over a word. Don’t worry, I’ll be using this to blackmail you in the future.
Fuck you. <3
How's that for emotion?
Curse words in English are my absolute favourite. So is antagonistic behaviour.
Curse words in English… meh.
Five years of MCS, only for three of which the site was operational.
Happy Burday MCS!!!!!!!!!!
you had 922 pages when i joined.
Well done old boy, this site has been a constant through my wilding years. God bless and beholden you with joy.
god I just shat myself now that I realize I’ve been trolling this site for 5 fucking years lol. congrats on 5 long years of awesomness!
Happy birthday!
Damn. I remember when we were waiting on 1000. Wynn seems to be the closest to that right now.
mmmm i heard someone is turning 5?
Oh, oh , Sounds like Pedomods is around..>_<
We should all give you $5.
Many Happy Reposts!
Congrats on the 5 years. McS is by far my favorite website. Here’s to the next 5. 🙂
I came late like I do for every party so I can stay after and get drunk with the host.
Thanksh, Tiki. Your the (hic) greateresht
Lord Tiki, I’ve been wondering for quite some time now – do you have a tiki mug collection from which to drink your potent potables?
There’s a Hukilau near me that sells these BADASS green angry tiki glasses for relative inexpensiveness – I’ve had one for like ten years and it’s still mint.
A birthday tradition is “A pinch to grow an inch”. After 5 years of pinching, you’ve grown enough to create something that satisfies yourself and others. Here’s hoping you keep playing with it in the years to come.
Congrats Tiki.
I love this site, even when I’m barely keeping up. This is the only site that I won’t simply click Mark All As Read and read every single comment on every post. As of now I’ve contributed 1329 posts. I’m curious, other than tiki, who has contributed the most posts.
Birthdays blow.
Found MCS from B&P, also.
Happy burfday M[c]S <3
What is B&P?
Can someone tell me where I am?
Son of a BITCH!
I still have no idea how I discovered M[c]S. I think it was a random image something like 4-4.5 years ago. I do know it was a month later that I found 4chan through M[c]S. So… thanks?
same here.
Not many of us 3-digit UIDs.
We should be all smug about it.
A guy on a Romanian forum kept posting pictures from m[c]s and I started visiting. This was a long time agoo.
Somehow I found MCS from Aintitcoolnews. Dunno how it happened, but dumped that place.
I prolly found M[c]S through The Best of the Internet.
Thank you Tiki. Always glad to be here. Happy Birthday.