I’ve changed how the NSFW subdomain works. I’m 100% sure that it’ll fuck things up.
please tell me how, or at least tell the dudes how it’s broken in the IRC channel.
ok, NSFW posts won’t show up on the main pages anymore, but you’ll see a link to the most recent posts in the sidebar. Also, the NSFW RSS feed should only be showing NSFW content.
Now, I’m going to lunch, and then I’m going to edit some posts to change how the attachment page looks.
Ok, things are broken more now then ever. I just wish someone would complain about it. I’m going to bed.
oh, and I think the submissions thing is working for MCS+ People only. Mods, your posts will be autoscheduled.
Do not under any circumstances submit NSFW materials, they will be deleted.
It finally works right for me again.
Unless at 04:00 GMT on 06/27 there was a NSFW post more recent than “nsfw – flower holder wallpaper”, everything works fine for me as well so far.
an thus everything is working ok for the moment.
and now I change something and it breaks so bad that everyone dies a path of death.
You can do that?
But we still can’t post shiiiit.
what happend to ‘random’?
Bring back +/-!!!!!
i have not gotten any NSFW shit since you said there was going to be no more NSFW shit, several weeks ago… i have not noticed any change. what did you do?
wait, what? like you can’t see any of the hourly NSFW content?
have you changed the feed address for NSFW stuff? all i get from my current NSFW feed is the same thing that i get on the normal feed, i.e. no NSFW…
same as it’s always been: http://nsfw.myconfinedspace.com/feed/
I’ve been getting both showing on the nsfw feed, but you (now) said that’s been fixed.
also i seem to have lost my priveledges, i.e., i can log in, but i can’t see my submissions, and i can’t submit anything…
now i am seeing NSFW stuff, but i’ve only gotten it today, and only prior to about 2 hours ago… before that, it was the same old not-NSFW stuff on nsfw.myconfinedspace.com/feed/
no change.
if you thought it was going to unfuck up all the stuff that was fucked up before you “changed how the NSFW subdomain works”, it hasn`t.
all that stuff is still fucked up.
what exactly is fucked up about it
that we can`t submit pics
and why am I seeing all the NSFW porn ads
and we can`t subscribe to posts we`ve commented in….again.
and here`s a NEW one I`ve never experienced before.
Forums won`t update when I post there UNLESS I hit F5.
There is one mishap to report from where I’m standing: the general listing of images lists an NSFW post (nude x-ray) which not inly does not appear in the NSFW listing but also produces a 404 error when I try to open the link from the general listing.
Everything else seems to be working fine.
i can’t submite.
I cannot submit. And why can’t NSFW appear on the main page? It doesn’t make sense.
NSFW is off on it’s own database down, separate but equal to the main mcs one.
That’s dumb. It is too inconvenient to click the NSFW link when the main page is a bookmark.
But then again most of NSFW is RandomNude so I won’t really be missing out on anything.
is it really all that hard to either:
1) bookmark nsfw.myconfinedspace.com
2) click on NSFW in the header/footer
3) click on the recent post titles in the sidebar
4) subscribe to the NSFW rss feed?
cause really, you could do any of those.
Especially seeing as you have to click through to see NSFW images anyway.
So Tiki’s actually saving you time, you click once to see all the images instead of clicking through to each one individually.
Hot damn, Tiki, you are one marvellous son of a bitch, you know that, anticipating this guy’s problem and tailoring your site to his needs, you are wonderful, good job.
It doesn’t really save time. What I do is click the bookmark for the mainpage. I scroll down until I recognize a SFW picture I’ve seen before. Then I scroll up and middle-whee click to see the comments for the posts of the unrecognized pictures. Bookmarking an additional website adds more time for scrolling, because I have another page to do the scroll-recognition game. And I never remember the name of the last post I’ve seen, just the image in question.
And I am 100% opposed to rss feeds.
RSS feeds.
I am opposed to those as well.
In that case, I suggest you check out RSS feeds. Helpful little buggers.
I said I am opposed to both rss and RSS feeds.
have you considered RSS Feeds though? they’re pretty easy to use and very helpful.
Nope. I am opposed to RSS Feeds. They do not save time, and only add to aggravating.
Just throwing this out there, I heard these RSS feeds are pretty cool.
We keep giving you options and you won’t try any of them. There’s only one option left, but it’s serious business should you choose it. RSS feeds are a dangerous option. You may be able to keep up w/ several sites throughout the day, clearly something that should be used in only the direst of circumstances. Choose well.
Damnit, that was supposed to be RsS feed. *raps knuckles w/ a ruler*
RSS feeds are against my religion.
Then I suggest one of non-secular RSS feeds.
I want to post waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I want to fuck a rock.
Me too. I have no permissions anymore. *bawls*
stupid mods.
Stupid Raccoons eating garbage.
stupid liberal calironian.
I’ll rip your neck out with my bare hands and feed it to a Grizzly Bear!!!! I am that liberal. 🙂
Ill shot you, guns aren’t allowed in california.
i cannot post any pictures anymore 🙁
Bork bork bork
I got this.
Just tell me where the “MCS restore” button is, to approx. 6 fucking months ago.
You (nobody knows) do not currently have permissions to use this form.
still broken
you’re not plus
I want to submit stuff.
make it so.
I don’t know who is MCS+ and who is not, because I adblocked the image. Just as I adblocked the TotalFark image. So everybody is equal. And since everybody is equal, we should all be allowed to submit.
okay, i can submit one picture now, if i:
1) login
2) go directly to the “Your submissions” page.
if i go anywhere else, first, the “Your submissions” page doesn’t have the form fields for making a submission, and when i go back to the main page and click “Your submissions”, i get a “You do not have permissions to view this page” message.
anything more than one picture also gives me a “You do not have permission to use this form” message…
if i don’t have permission to use it, why am i being shown it at all?