Actually, she’s just a sheltered, ignorant twat who is in love with her own sense of self-righteousness and doesn’t give a shit about silly things like facts or evidence.
The Tea Party? Vote Sarah Palin!!! Restoring Honor bla bla bla False Nationalism blah blah They’re taking ours freedoms blah blah Don’t Tread On Me and Nascars. If you don’t believe what I believe get the fuck out of my country!!! Xenophobia and kicking out all of them illegals out of the jobs no one wants to do.
She’s a Wiccan.
Actually, she’s just a sheltered, ignorant twat who is in love with her own sense of self-righteousness and doesn’t give a shit about silly things like facts or evidence.
Just like most of the “new” Republican party.
The Tea Party? Vote Sarah Palin!!! Restoring Honor bla bla bla False Nationalism blah blah They’re taking ours freedoms blah blah Don’t Tread On Me and Nascars. If you don’t believe what I believe get the fuck out of my country!!! Xenophobia and kicking out all of them illegals out of the jobs no one wants to do.
^^^^This….is a thousand brands of awesomesauce!
Tea parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends.
Well, this one has plenty of mad hatters.
I’m waiting for the “I JACKED OFF TO CHRISTINE O’DONNELL 2010” bumper stickers
I had to look up who you had been conditioned to not like this time.
I hope she enjoys helping steer your country straight and fixing the damage done by the current presidency.
Troll attempt fails.
I touched myself……..Instead of fixing M[c]S