steroid warning

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    Jesus fucking Christ. why would anyone take it that far?


    When your acne is so bad you look like a fucking zombie you might want to stop taking steroids.


    It looks like he got shot with a shotgun.


    The 80s called, they want their primitive steroids back.


    oh yeh, because steroids these days are a-ok


    That’s precisley his point *sigh*

    *insert counter argument without evidense and a few random “I know some people” quotes*

    I’ve not got a total dismissive opinion of them, definately not for me though – I want to dick around with my diet and routine for fun, see what my knowledge and cooking and understanding of lifting/strength gains does – the geeky part is important for me, the results are a nice side effect. So a massive random element in there would skew all that.


    Steroid use for anything other than medical reasons is just vanity-fuelled stupidity. You can tone yourself without them (and it looks much nicer) if you want to put the fucking effort in.
    and whatever whatever else you said


    Nice attitude there sweet cheeks

    “if you want to put the fucking effort in”


    I’m with Erin. It’s just plain cheating to take steroids. Also, steroids seem to me to be a temporary thing. Notice how temporary the muscle definition in the images are? He goes from really defined to nothing between image 1 and 2. I would like to know how much time had passed between those two. Hmm is it even the same guy though?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    He probably had to stop working out when he was bleeding etc.

    Also I’ve seen guys take roids and the major gains are temporary but they kept some of the mass/strength and it got them past a plateau. Those are really hard to break through anyway. I’ve been stuck at a certain weight on the flat bench for some time. If I did a round of roids I’d probably be throwing around 405 by next week but a) I’m afraid of needles and b) I really don’t want to.


    I seem to have hit a weight plateau. I lost 30lbs pretty quickly (w/in 3 months), but this is getting frustrating. I don’t want to be fat-ter, so I’ll keep going.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You will never in your life even with Jesus and Allah spotting your sorry as be able to get 5% of the gains working out without steroids vs with them.

    I’ve taken Creatine and that helps but if I ever took roids I know I’d be twice the size I am now. And it happens fast.

    I’m not a user but I definitely don’t buy the bullshit. I can show you worse pictures of people who reacted badly to vitamin C.

    I’m pretty sure steroids can be used in moderation. Otherwise they wouldn’t be the first thing prescribed when someone needs their body stronger for health issue reasons.


    also, I wouldn’t be so adamant that you could do it without steroids if I hadn’t seen it. Two of my closest friends decided to bulk up this year, they had the exact same routine, took the same powders, and one bulked up significantly more than the other. He’s deciding to get into body building, seems destined for it. The other friend has taken longer but his tone is so much better, he’s now doing MMA. Both of them haven’t taken steroids (however we’re keeping our eye on the body builder, lol). I hate the body-building look. There’s a difference between muscly or toned and ‘omg where has your neck gone’.
    Pretty sure ‘roids are that extra step you take when you no longer just want to look good. It doesn’t look like you look after yourself or take pride in your appearance, it looks like you’re just desperately over compensating for something. It’s the exact same as those stupid bitches who don’t just get a boob job so they can have eternally perky tits, they get GG cup mammaries that would suffocate you. They no longer look hot, they look like their Daddy didn’t pay them enough attention as a child.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I read all that and all I can say is you’re full if shit and your friends are probably dipshits.

    I guarantee I’m a lot bigger than them and I have been working out hard for 10 years.

    Steroids get results. Powders get results too but no where near what steroids will get you.

    There is no body building look. That’s in your head.

    I’m not defending steroid use but your animosity towards it and personal anecdote regarding two losers you know that probably push 150 fucking pounds are fucking stupid.


    It’s weird. I’m still stuck on prednisone (not the type of steroid a body builder would use AFAIK) and it did cause a massive really quick weight gain, but working out didn’t really change that to muscle. All that happened was moon face (sometimes don’t recognize myself in pics) and stretch marks.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I was told if you don’t work out hard when taking them it just makes you retain massive amounts of water.

    I also think you’re right about the type but I’ve also heard of people gaining muscle when taking steroids for medicinal purposes. The only guy I saw get real bloated was doing chemo.


    Same reason here. I’m on prednisone (steroid), MTX (chemo drug), remicade (via IV monthly, targets specific immune triggers) and soriatane (suped up accutane)to lower my immune system, so that it will stop attacking various parts of my body. At 46, I’ve got a pretty long list. It’s taken out my pancreas (type 1 diabetes), my skin (Pustular psoriasis), my joints (psoriatic arthritis, degenerative and progressive). It’s also damaged my lungs, my kidneys (well, one of them) and my liver. There are lifelong alcoholics and heroin junkies in better shape than I am.


    I’m sorry about your penis

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I’m sorry on behalf of my penis. I didn’t know your snatch would rip so easy.

    To be fair I was drunk AND high which is why I was able to stomach the odor.


    internet roid rage. lol
    get angrier, by all means


    Maybe the geeky part of you should dick around with articulating a POV without being a petulant douchebag.


    Can you point out where I was petulant? There was a sarcy reply to the 80s comment, I followed in suit….



    It’s there for all to see. Do your own fucking homework.


    So no you can’t, k thx


    Not to mention your balls



    Puffy nipples!




    lol he blew up


    But hey, I look good in the first pic, right?


    Hey casemods, fuck the whey protein, use this stuff.

    Jesus Christ

    I will never worry about just a single period zit again because at least I don’t look like THAT guy.




    LOL this reminds me of the way I looked when I was a lifeguard, then what I looked like just a few years later (minus, of course, the appearance of having failed to disarm a bomb.)

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