1440×900 – What is that a 17″? pro, very pro
Running CPU thats what, 5 years old, sad. Now bragging about it?
Mad? Yeah, my eyefinity setup just scream jealous of that… rig
No wonder you stopped posting as casemods. If your so frugal, grab some twist ties at least from the grocery store and do something about that rats nest.
I’m 24. I don’t see a reason to spend more than a couple hundred (at most) to play video games.
Evidently you do.
Which is fine.
But I choose to spend $20 on most components that can run a game just fine at slightly lower settings than to spend $200 on components that will just end up being $20 eventually (this dual core for example)
You don’t know it yet, Reaver, but you’ve just jumped on the bandwagon. It starts with innocent curiosity – “How can something so pedestrian have so many comments?” you might think. Inevitably, this will come to, “How can something so neutral gain such a negative response!?” Around this time, you might make your first Casemods Comment. This seems to be your current stage.
From here, you might find yourself instinctively browsing the comments of anything labelled AN KING, interested to see how the M[C]S masses are choosing to abuse this poor creature today — you might even feel sorry for him. Obviously, this socially awkward ineptitude is no reason to bash him so incessantly, even if he does come off as arrogant and confrontationally defensive.
But in the end, he’ll say something so high on the discriminational douchebaggery scale that you’ll realize that it’s not only justified but an integral part of the M[C]S community.
Join in the fun — every click is money for Tiki’s upkeep expenses. Bashing Casemods is the new Buy Tiki a Beer button.
real men have no less than a 5800 series, I personally have a 5870 that I got right after they came out but I just happen to be better than you. it is quite normal to feel a deep unending sadness at you clearly craptastic card. and I assure you that your fear that everyone is laughing at you inadequate hardware is very real but you shouldn’t worry about it because you clearly cant compete with my pure awesomeness.
well I am not sure where I will place but I am confident in my ability to beat anyone with 5770. are you aware GPU performance has a direct correlation to penis size? now you do.
Brand new 150$ buy 2 u can get both for 220$ so lawl i fail i got 2 of the xXx editions for 150….. clock it at 920 as core. mem should go up 250mhz for every 10 mhz on the cpu cross fire them its sweet :p
Why would anyone care that you’ve bought a video card? Should we all start posting every time we buy something off ebay? Can you imagine what m[c]s would look like then? At least the shitty little bike that you sprayed like a retard was worth mocking.
Nice.. drool drool. how much was the card?
Custom case?
It’ll be $50 in 6 months 😉
It’s $200 right now.
It might be $100 in 6 months.
I have that card. You’re going to need an internal fan. It can and will get hot.
You will not regret buying this: www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835108082. It’s running on my virtualized compile servers.
Keeps them ice cold.
Actually it cools itself pretty good with the stock fan.
got to 70C or so and hasn’t crapped out.
$100 like it says 😉
“XFX radeon HD 5770 – $100”
GMC R-4 Bulldozer – white/black.
Got it for $17.99. Well, $70, and waiting for a $50 rebate, which frys is procrastinating to the fullest possible extent.
I got it because it was cheap, clean, and not very common.
Plus the vertical ODD is just cool IMO.
Why would casemods have a custom case?
Just go away dude.
so we agree on something.
Why don’t you take your own advice and stop commenting on my posts?
Why don’t you take my advice.
I think we can make everybody happy here.
Casemods, go away. In return, Puulaahi will quit commenting on your posts.
anybody notice how much dust he has caked in his CPU heatsink/fan…
It’s really not much.
At least not enough to effect temps (which I monitor daily or more with hardware monitor)
Yeah, monitoring you dust build up doesn’t make you lame or anything.
Oh look what weekend it is
My computer is hardly dirty or in need of cleaning.
Cheap case, cheap PSU, cheap mobo, cheap fansink, cheap ram, mind as well throw a cheap VPU at it.
And seriously, invest 4 bucks in a can of air.
After that invest $10 on another case fan, hell make it $20 and get 2.
Yes, I’m very frugal and can still run GTAIV at high settings.
Note I’m still running a $20 athlon 2 x2 3800+
Also note monitor max res is 1440×900 and I don’t see a reason to get a bigger one.
tl;dr u mad?? (the answer is yes!)
Apparently cheap and dirty is a flavor of koolaid
1440×900 – What is that a 17″? pro, very pro
Running CPU thats what, 5 years old, sad. Now bragging about it?
Mad? Yeah, my eyefinity setup just scream jealous of that… rig
No wonder you stopped posting as casemods. If your so frugal, grab some twist ties at least from the grocery store and do something about that rats nest.
I’m 24. I don’t see a reason to spend more than a couple hundred (at most) to play video games.
Evidently you do.
Which is fine.
But I choose to spend $20 on most components that can run a game just fine at slightly lower settings than to spend $200 on components that will just end up being $20 eventually (this dual core for example)
How much did the bottle of urine cost you?
$238 divided by seventeen.
Wow someone was actually able to use a search engine. Kudos
haha why is everyone hatin’ on case?
“people” love to hate the best
You don’t know it yet, Reaver, but you’ve just jumped on the bandwagon. It starts with innocent curiosity – “How can something so pedestrian have so many comments?” you might think. Inevitably, this will come to, “How can something so neutral gain such a negative response!?” Around this time, you might make your first Casemods Comment. This seems to be your current stage.
From here, you might find yourself instinctively browsing the comments of anything labelled AN KING, interested to see how the M[C]S masses are choosing to abuse this poor creature today — you might even feel sorry for him. Obviously, this socially awkward ineptitude is no reason to bash him so incessantly, even if he does come off as arrogant and confrontationally defensive.
But in the end, he’ll say something so high on the discriminational douchebaggery scale that you’ll realize that it’s not only justified but an integral part of the M[C]S community.
Join in the fun — every click is money for Tiki’s upkeep expenses. Bashing Casemods is the new Buy Tiki a Beer button.
Well said.
Heh what a pile of shit.
This is the comment area, not your profile biography area
MCS is not your personal myspace. Take your lame ass life and all your lame ass shit and just hang yourself already kid.
Its obvious mommy must have left you to be a douchebag like your father. Use imagevenue or photobucket and go be a looser elsewhere.
The tribe has spoken… we think your a douchebag.
And I still don’t care what you people think!
real men have no less than a 5800 series, I personally have a 5870 that I got right after they came out but I just happen to be better than you. it is quite normal to feel a deep unending sadness at you clearly craptastic card. and I assure you that your fear that everyone is laughing at you inadequate hardware is very real but you shouldn’t worry about it because you clearly cant compete with my pure awesomeness.
Im down with dick size contest.. New Thread..?
well I am not sure where I will place but I am confident in my ability to beat anyone with 5770. are you aware GPU performance has a direct correlation to penis size? now you do.
What he thinks it means ^
What it actually means:
I’m 15 and my only hobby is computer hardware.
Look dude, that’s real cool you have a better card.
Marginally better.
I bet you’re parents paid a lot of money for it.
How old are you?
I work and can afford any piece of hardware I want, but I choose to stay frugal and save my money.
Seeing as how this pretty much maxes the most demanding game I play, I figured $100 is not bad at all for a slightly used $200 card.
Nobody cares about what hardware you have. It’s only used for comparison or trouble shooting purposes unless you are seriously 15 or something.
Brand new 150$ buy 2 u can get both for 220$ so lawl i fail i got 2 of the xXx editions for 150….. clock it at 920 as core. mem should go up 250mhz for every 10 mhz on the cpu cross fire them its sweet :p
Who makes then?
xXx isn’t a brand I’ve heard of..
Anyways, as far as I know, games don’t actually acknowledge sli cards, or at least it won’t use the ram or something from both…not sure.
Besides, 1 is fine for me for now.
nice buy
what monitor you gonna slam this baby to?
I’m currently on a 19″ tyris that my dad bought me maybe 5 years ago with a max res of 1440×900
was thinking of getting a 25″ or so 1080p TV to use as a monitor/TV though
I’ve got the HD 5770 XXX Edition. Great card.
It’s not doing so well on GTAIV.
Hoping a quad core athlon ($100) will solve that…
Why would anyone care that you’ve bought a video card? Should we all start posting every time we buy something off ebay? Can you imagine what m[c]s would look like then? At least the shitty little bike that you sprayed like a retard was worth mocking.
It might be pretty awesome due to all the original content…
Haters gonna hate
they shur are