Can someone explain why the hand gripping the face of the sister on the left (which should belong to the sister on the right) is so much darker than the face of the sister on the right?
Wait…have you even ever seen, met, or known any Muslims?
The answer is NO. Don’t bullshit. You know I won’t believe you. You just outted yourself again only this time it isn’t followed by your dad throwing a beer bottle at you, faggot.
So you don’t know any moose lims at all huh?
So shut the fuck up about them. Because some of us see them every fucking day.
I have a few hijabs. I started wearing them because I’m cold all the time and the lighter fabric ones can be worn under a hat and were acceptable to wear indoors. I’m used to them now and though I get some strange looks, no one has ever said anything to me about it. I’ve gotten to like the semi-anonymity it gives when out in public.
Nude Nuns with Big Guns (2010)
Jesus probably doesn’t approve of this.
jesus who?
jesus doesn’t approve of love?
Before anybody thinks that that’s what I actually think about this, I’m really just making a reference to this: (mildly NSFW) pic
Hey, the dude shouldn’t be hogging so many brides if he can’t keep ’em busy.
Seriously, get thee to a nunnery.
Pun intended, I hope.
I’m not entirely convinced the one on the right that’s sucking really hard isn’t a dementor.
NSFW much?
this is obviously a Gay Pride rally
Can someone explain why the hand gripping the face of the sister on the left (which should belong to the sister on the right) is so much darker than the face of the sister on the right?
Yeah, somethin’ funky goin’ on hea.
Also – I’m getting a really strong drag queen vibe off the sister on the right. I can’t explain why.
This would piss the Vatican off.But what their priests do is okay with with the Pope.Go figure.
Hey at least they don’t trample each other to death while screaming and crying.
Make a real statement and dress up like a muslim and make out. Otherwise…yawn.
Two chicks in chadri? Thats not nearly as hot.
You do know that not all cover their faces right?
Wait…have you even ever seen, met, or known any Muslims?
The answer is NO. Don’t bullshit. You know I won’t believe you. You just outted yourself again only this time it isn’t followed by your dad throwing a beer bottle at you, faggot.
So you don’t know any moose lims at all huh?
So shut the fuck up about them. Because some of us see them every fucking day.
I have a few hijabs. I started wearing them because I’m cold all the time and the lighter fabric ones can be worn under a hat and were acceptable to wear indoors. I’m used to them now and though I get some strange looks, no one has ever said anything to me about it. I’ve gotten to like the semi-anonymity it gives when out in public.
I came.. I mean LOLd.