Airsoft replica of my PPS?
If only I could use the real gun on my belt, but there the fucking airsoft trainer is and now I’m gonna get nommed!
Through odd coincidence my hand gun(sitting in the living room getting ready to be sent in for repairs), past that a pos drop forged katana knock off, and a home made cricket bat. While I’m not in the most ideal load-out I think I can handle it.
hahncholo (#9985)
14 years ago
A bass guitar. According to L4D2, I’ll do pretty well.
A printer, but it’s a heavy mother. It could slush up more than a few rotten zombie brains, then produce some nice glossies of the event for posterity.
Shit, my housekey, a tiny swiss army knife, my bus pass, a comb, and extra colour ink for my printer. At least I can fix my hair and use public transit.
Star Bucks Mug.. you know the big heavy one’s? a screw and some superglue
hmm how many times could you bludgen someone with one of those mugs before it broke?
A large piece of wood that I can take from my desk. No very practical.
A bunch of DVD discs. Shurikens?
A very old power protector, so it’s pretty massive. Holding it by cord must do a interesting effect.
To my right is a pedestal fan that can be used as club. Why is it to my right? Why?
oh, and some T-ball trophies.
large and heavy ashtray
1/2 pack of cigs
2 lighters
nail clippers
cell phone
pain meds
small mirror
2 wooden plaques
bottle of water, plastic
blood sugar test kit
insulin pen
tv remote
2 books
box of tissues
empty yogurt cup w/ a plastic spoon in it
plastic flossing thingies
coffee cup
masking tape
some mail
2 bar towels
if I follow the DR2 physics just right, you should be able to take one lighter and combine it with the insulin pen to inject zombies with flame, lighting them on fire one at a time… and you’d be able to combine the other lighter with the stack of mail and use the mail items like flaming throwing stars… this dude’s set!
the “select month” dropdown box for the archives. Oh wait you mean real world stuff? well, that would be my desk lamp. Hmm… that sucks. What am I s’posed to do, blind them (until the power goes out I mean)?
Some old bloke in my Linux class…guess he’d make a lunch for a group for me to get away.
Mr.Fantastic (#4577)
14 years ago
A medium sized flashlight. I can club someone pretty hard with that thing.. Also there’s a ps3 controller and a notebook, but I doubt they’re as effective.
13 years ago
10 dollars in small change….
13 years ago
An empty bottle of Burn with a small Norwegian flag in it.
It’s a glass bottle, but it’s only a 250ml one…
A very solid pot holder, but kinda small,.
This isn’t /b/, gtfo with this cancer!
a post-it. F*ck.
Packing tape…
My laptop, attached to the dock and several cables.
My girlfriend.
I think she’d do well against 1 or 2 zombies, not a full flood of them tho.
Another monitor.
On the other side of that, another monitor.
On the other side of that. closet door.
But there is a shotgun in the closet
1st item: a bong.
2nd item: a fresh beer
3rd item: my stash
bring it on, dudes… 8)
A pair of Sony MDR-7506 headphones….
So your name is an accurate description of yourself? Bass rumble the zombies to death.
Noice. Love those things.
A utilities bill?
Oh fuck this
Hey, you need power to shock the shit out of zombies, or gas to fry them, or water to drown them.
a bottle of HP sauce, a maccas cup…. or a pile of chip packets
I love our slang.
Thankfully I’m on a laptop, so I can run upstairs and points this at my AR.
OK, I’ve relocated. now the zombie apoc can start.
Nice. Spare mags?
Only 7 total. And about 1,300 rounds. I have a few thousand rounds of 22lr also.
It’s OK, I plan on just barricading my house and hiding in my attic with all my shit for the first few weeks.
Airsoft replica of my PPS?
If only I could use the real gun on my belt, but there the fucking airsoft trainer is and now I’m gonna get nommed!
Now it is a stack of crates filled with books and some transformers.
Through odd coincidence my hand gun(sitting in the living room getting ready to be sent in for repairs), past that a pos drop forged katana knock off, and a home made cricket bat. While I’m not in the most ideal load-out I think I can handle it.
A bass guitar. According to L4D2, I’ll do pretty well.
hehehehe… Scottish claymore… One weapon that has both a decent range as well as infinite reusability. Perfect for them zombies.
A Carpenters Hatchet and a Soviet Helmet
Directly to my left I have a camera and cold steel two handed machete. Yes, I keep it hanging next to my desk, by the door, in case of emergencies.
A printer, but it’s a heavy mother. It could slush up more than a few rotten zombie brains, then produce some nice glossies of the event for posterity.
It looks like we share a fate, not sure how fast I can swing it though.
A PS3 Slim. Bring ’em on.
A framed picture of Casemods.
Damn…a visage even zombies fear to gaze upon!
a bottle of water.
full of it.
An external HDD? Fuuuuuuuuu–
We’re both screwed lol
A mike stand! Effective. . .
Dell mini tower PC.
It’s OK, heavy enough to crush skulls.
a bottle of vitamins and a used coffee mug with a spork in it. I won’t last 27 minutes….
An empty coffee mug. BRING IT ON ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!
My tiny router
A large glass full of diet pepsi
The add on MCS about Cats.
Either way I’m screwed.
A 14 year old wire haired terrier named Tramp…(I’m laying in the floor) oh boy…
Crap, Its just a laptop. Perhaps I can blog about the zombies.
A stainless steel travel mug. Could be worse. Not much range though.
A large floor lamp. I got my laptop hooked up to my flat screen TV via HDMI cables. 😀
A binder clip. :/
Well, looks like I’ll be fighting off the zombie hordes with this wall.
notebooks and a notary stamp
You’re a notary? Kinda cool.
a keyboard with PS2 connector and a kitchen scale ….
a six pack of 5 hour energy, I’m not sure how I feel about this…
Hp Scanjet 8300. That’s not gonna help much. Will resort to the knife in my pocket. I should last through the night.
Shit, my housekey, a tiny swiss army knife, my bus pass, a comb, and extra colour ink for my printer. At least I can fix my hair and use public transit.
A katana. I’m not kidding.
Star Bucks Mug.. you know the big heavy one’s? a screw and some superglue
hmm how many times could you bludgen someone with one of those mugs before it broke?
Sub-woofer and a beer bottle… there is some Everlast Fist band so I guess it suggest punching them back to the grave
Hmm a SFF PC and a desk speaker not the best weapons but I do have a full set of Star wars biker scout armour under my desk.
Calendar of dolphins! And a respirator with organic chemical cartridges. That could come in handy.
A lamp and my phone. The lamp is small, but made of metal, so it could be useful. Wouldn’t be difficult to swing…
Strong pot of coffee and a nodding dog. Those undead bastards don’t stand a chance!
A large piece of wood that I can take from my desk. No very practical.
A bunch of DVD discs. Shurikens?
A very old power protector, so it’s pretty massive. Holding it by cord must do a interesting effect.
To my right is a pedestal fan that can be used as club. Why is it to my right? Why?
Either a baseball bat or acoustic guitar.
The intern.
Sweet! If he doesn’t know how to fight, I just feed him to the zombies while I run away. 🙂
5 kg of math books. Not very good.
A cast iron frog.
A package of garage bicycle hooks, a baseball, or my daughters plastic tiara. I’m good with any of those…
Solid metal eagle statue, and a scad of CDs for throwing. Need to move my shotgun and bastard sword up here.
A fishtank
sofa+wife! And wife is nagging as hell!
Bunny Puppet
oh, and some T-ball trophies.
A cat is fine too?
ratcheting screwdriver with interchangeable heads…
large and heavy ashtray
1/2 pack of cigs
2 lighters
nail clippers
cell phone
pain meds
small mirror
2 wooden plaques
bottle of water, plastic
blood sugar test kit
insulin pen
tv remote
2 books
box of tissues
empty yogurt cup w/ a plastic spoon in it
plastic flossing thingies
coffee cup
masking tape
some mail
2 bar towels
and after playing hours of Dead Rising 2, you should probably figure out how to combine that…
if I follow the DR2 physics just right, you should be able to take one lighter and combine it with the insulin pen to inject zombies with flame, lighting them on fire one at a time… and you’d be able to combine the other lighter with the stack of mail and use the mail items like flaming throwing stars… this dude’s set!
the “select month” dropdown box for the archives. Oh wait you mean real world stuff? well, that would be my desk lamp. Hmm… that sucks. What am I s’posed to do, blind them (until the power goes out I mean)?
A mufflin
A Coffee pot
A Nice cutlery set
A printer!
Some old bloke in my Linux class…guess he’d make a lunch for a group for me to get away.
A medium sized flashlight. I can club someone pretty hard with that thing.. Also there’s a ps3 controller and a notebook, but I doubt they’re as effective.
10 dollars in small change….
An empty bottle of Burn with a small Norwegian flag in it.
It’s a glass bottle, but it’s only a 250ml one…