A comic I made a long time ago to show a guy on a forum I can make a better comic in less than 5 minutes. Then I made more for a reason or another.
Excuse the shotty English.
these comics are getting more and more minimalistic now, soon they’ll be squares w dots in the middle and captions. although this one has a good excuse because of the topic
“Shoddy” English… shoddy… “Shotty” is slang for a shotgun.
Rupture: to make a hole in or burst.
Rapture: a feeling of bliss, or when this “god” guy finally shows up and takes us all to this “heavan” place I keep hearing about…
Didn’t know the shotty part.
And the rapture thing: there are two more mistakes, can you spot them kids?
Or more, I counted 3 while reading through when I posted them.
I forgot this one:
It’s supposed to be a kind of trailer, but was the last one I made.
Please take your romanian propaganda elsewhere.
these comics are getting more and more minimalistic now, soon they’ll be squares w dots in the middle and captions. although this one has a good excuse because of the topic
Now, I’m not saying these are the worst comics ever, because Ctl-Alt-Del exists, but… They aren’t very good.
Yeah, yeah they are. But they have that young kid vib to them. My kid self was awesome.
Reminds me of Circle vs Square. Too bad it ended.
I think these are awesome. Fuck haters!
ahhh man. tl;dr
Could this thing be any longer?
Michael Scott – “That`s what she said.”
Got milk and the last one are fillers. (last one, as in not the promo)
“A comic I made a long time ago to show a guy on a forum I can make a better comic in less than 5 minutes.”
So how much did you lose on that bet?
Sad part is, I didn’t.
You Romanians are filthy whores 🙁
“Shoddy” English… shoddy… “Shotty” is slang for a shotgun.
Rupture: to make a hole in or burst.
Rapture: a feeling of bliss, or when this “god” guy finally shows up and takes us all to this “heavan” place I keep hearing about…
Didn’t know the shotty part.
And the rapture thing: there are two more mistakes, can you spot them kids?
Or more, I counted 3 while reading through when I posted them.
Uhm… ok.
I chuckled at a couple of ’em. Took me a sec to “figure” out what you were doing.