Technically, she’s 17 on the show, so I doubt we’ll see it anytime soon. Though, I’m sure if they have an episode where she turns 18 and then cries a whole bunch because she’ll never see a real birthday ever again, we can expect her to nail Hoyt soon after… I mean seriously, she cries, like, constantly.
OHH do I love that theme song.
I wanna do bad things to you.
Nice follow-up! I can’t believe how good it’s getting, but really, has it ever been bad? Nuh-uh!
Have Jessica and Tara shown their boobs yet? I’ll get back to watching it when that happens.
I think jessica did
I do not believe so.
Sadly Jessica hasn’t. Redheads are so goddamn sexy. She is a prime example.
Technically, she’s 17 on the show, so I doubt we’ll see it anytime soon. Though, I’m sure if they have an episode where she turns 18 and then cries a whole bunch because she’ll never see a real birthday ever again, we can expect her to nail Hoyt soon after… I mean seriously, she cries, like, constantly.