Tattoo locations

tat.png (51 KB)

I have an ankle tat, but fuck that princess shit.

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    It’s funny because none of this is true, and tattoos are and always have been acceptable, and I do have a job that pays taxes.


    i start work on monday and i’ve got ink on my forearm (job pays taxes)


    congrats man. here’s a word advice: if you include ketchup and napkins in the bag, people won’t have to keep coming back to your counter.



    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Socially acceptable en mass is different that socially acceptable per your familiar surroundings I guess.

    I know my gf’s dad has tattoos on his forearms and he does really well and pays taxes.

    This pic is probably just a little dated or whoever made it is from a small town and their view of the world involves their internet connection.



    The Matrix: Rebooted

    47% of households pay no federal income tax. Based on all your previous posts, I really doubt you’re in the upper half of the income distribution.


    Reputable accurate reference or your argument is invalid.


    Tattoos have not always been acceptable, unless you were a sailor. But they accepted all sorts of shit.


    Mine is in the Socially Acceptable Rebellious Tattoo Zone (SARTZ), so +1 internets.

    Super Loco

    Good post!


    I can’t stand tramp stamps at all – I’d even prefer a tear on an emo girl – they are so so unoriginal, always the same sort of ~o~ shit and it depresses me when I see someone who looks naturally happy/bubbly/bright with a fucking mong ID on their lower back.

    [/ott rant]

    Must confess though I was at an outdoor festival lately and some HANDSOME CHAP had a great body and a really well done pair of wings on his back – looked good – for now. I guess the main thing and the attitude is “who the fuck cares what it looks like in 10 years” and thats seen as somewhat brave, IMO it lies somewhere between that and being a bit stupid 🙂


    i have 12 tattoos.. some of the places i have them.. well.. lets just say L. O. L.!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    lol tee hee

    is there one on your cunt?


    uhhhh no




    “I have an ankle tat, but fuck that princess shit”
    I’d like to agree with you OP, but ankle tats are so “cute little princess” they might as well be called “foot tiaras”.


    So it must look like a warthog by now.


    While I like this tattoo, it’s more the location than the content. You could have one of the Elephant Man on your ankle and it would seem somewhat princess-ish.


    what about calf tattoos? those seem popular enough to have earned a spot on the chart.


    i have a tasteful tattoo on my right forearm, that is completely covered when i wear a long sleeve shirt, and up until my brain exploded (ask me about it some time), i had a job that paid 65k a year. some of these ideas are vaguely humourous, but most of it is entirely wrong.


    Tell us more about your brain exploding.


    I don’t have a tattoo, nor will I think I ever have one. I can’t get over just how permanent they are.


    Never found anything so “me” that I had to have it permanently inked onto myself.


    so, what does it mean when a tattoo is in a location not covered here?


    Dated chart is dated. I’m nearly sleeved and I make more than $50k a year. And I have blue hair. And facial piercings.

    It’s possible to have all of these things AND a job that means something, now. Maybe not so much 20 years ago, but anymore, it’s totally possible. I think as long as you can hide your tattoos with a business suit, you’re in the clear.

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