I think I have the thing set up right, so MCS is on facebook now. Don’t want to use RSS to follow along? then become a facebook fan!
after 25 followers I get to pick my very own fanpage URL. Golly.
Now that I’ve done this thing, I’m wondering if MCS has any Iphone/Android app developers that would be interested in making mad scratch the users happy and finally rolling out a good application for those platforms.
NK return to facebook and stalk am… I mean moutarde.
Die MF Die!
i has a feeling moutarde can handle renegade coons
Yeah, nice profile pic..gonna work on that? And its funny your link took me to the blog tab with an option to follow, but I can also like it too. Not sure if I’m a liker or a follower..definitely a licker though!
For what it’s worth … this is a good app too. It takes your RSS feed and reposts it on your Facebook wall. We use it for other stuff, just donating my experience … which isn’t worth $0.02.
Google docs/labs has a easy android maker thing. Just link to the RSS feed…