cowboy mario

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yoshihorse makes me squee

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    the attention to detail here is awesome. that sheriff’s star, that fireflower, the coloring on yoshi….

    5 stars


    Dry bones, cactus thing, bird thing, background. I am freaking out.


    Red Dead Mario Bros.


    i thought this was one of the most righteous ever. it gave me such a nerdboner i was happy to see one that was good on mcs. and then i read the text to see if there was an address to see some cool stuff but it was instead posted with “yoshihorse makes me squee”. i thought “FUUUUUUUUU-.. its probably fuckin oriahana. lo and behold.
    but this picture is still good cause it gave me hope. cause it proved me wrong of 3 things that im was sure will always stay constant:
    1. Orihana is one of the most annoying type of fangirls ever. just… wanna slap santaclause it pisses me off so much…
    2. Bert and Ernie are life partners
    3. She will never post anything cool, interesting or lolworthy.
    today i was disproved of number 1 today.


    No, she’s still annoying. The image is cool and she finds good stuff…but her childish squee’s and shit piss me off.


    Aw fuck. That’s what I meant. Number 3 is disproven. Number one is annoyingly still true. But a small ammnt of her stuff Is good. Bus her captions ruin it.


    Aw fuck. That’s what I meant. Number 3 is disproven. Number one is annoyingly still true. But a small ammnt of her stuff Is good. But her captions ruin it.


    but she is a child. god forbid a teen girl should squee all over the place. and click her name to see all her posts; i am sure you can find something to squee about


    Yeah right. If I learned anything about the internets it’s that young women need to be harassed. If it were up to her she’d have given us all brain slushies by now.


    stop talking. and nate, she is an older teenage girl.
    “you give’d” for fucks sake! grow up and stop talking ever. post all the fodder you want, idc, but stop talking. Casemods is annoying as shit, but the captions he leaves are nbd. everything you say makes people stupid.


    That horse is amazing.


    Give it a lick.


    Tastes just like raisins.


    and with a stroke of its mane, turns into a plane…


    And then it turns back again.

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