Some animals can’t differentiate between their kids and supper. So yea…let’s set them as the benchmark.
Is there some rule of the internet that states that everytime some idiot says something on the subject of atheism, their quote must be recorded and mass produced?
But not yet smart enough to clean the shit from their ass with anything other than their own TONGUE.
should I not be doing that?
If I were 45, female, and single I would find this picture oh so delightful instead of fucking pathetically simple and stupid.
Amen dear Lord in heaven.
A semicolon would have also worked.
Oops, wrong reply See below.
Also grammar failure.
No comma.
Some animals can’t differentiate between their kids and supper. So yea…let’s set them as the benchmark.
Is there some rule of the internet that states that everytime some idiot says something on the subject of atheism, their quote must be recorded and mass produced?
Cats were demigods to the Egyptians.
Animals don’t have a lot of things, but no one lauds them for their lack of buildings, long-range communications capability, or opposable thumbs.
That’s right, cats. I called you out on your lack of opposable thumbs. What you gonna do about it? Nothing, that’s what!
How in the fuck does Ronnie Snow know about the religious beliefs of animals, unless he’s Dr. Doolittle he doesn’t know squat.
Humans ARE animals.
Alf eats cats.
Attn: everyone who commented on this site. GET BUTTHURT MUCH? jesus get over yourselves.