Ever gotten a date online?

evergottenadateonlinebi.jpg (218 KB)

Tried that once.

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    The Matrix: Rebooted

    I used to do a lot online dating (okcupid). I had lots of fun, got laid a few times and really built my confidence with women. The 1 out of 3 statistic is about right, from my experience, but I always used a jimmy hat.


    1 out of every 10 people online is pedobear


    I met two women online, on forums. Never actually intended for something to happen, but “I’ve been really tryin’, baby!…”


    I’ve known people who’ve met their spouses online and are quite happy. I also know some who’ve had disastrous relationships with someone they met online. Honestly, the good to bad statistics from my personal observations seem to be better than picking up girls in a bar…

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Ya but you’re a fat ass.

    Real people have different rules.


    That was pathetic. You need to try harder, kid.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    No it was dead on and you don’t get to judge funny until you show that you’re anything other than a cry baby fat fuck who thinks pudding is a condiment.

    Try at least once and you can maybe comment on other people. All you ever do is criticize and complain. Like all fat fucks.

    Do. Or shut up, fat boy (I thought you were a chick before because you sound like such a queer).


    Keep trying, it’s kinda fun to watch you spin your wheels under the delusion that you’re clever. ‘least you’ve finally been appropriately shamed enough to change that idiotic name, by the way.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I don’t get this btw

    how can you lie about being 6 feet or 24 and show up a 37 year old who is 5’6 or whatever it said?

    Hoping the chick turns out to be blind?

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Women are generally bad at spacial analysis, estimating height is a subset of that. As long as you’re a few inches taller than her, you can lie about your height by a few inches and she probably won’t notice on the first date.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I see.

    5 inches can be faked by preying on bad spacial analysis?

    I know they have a lower center of gravity but I didn’t know their periods affected their ability to interpret reality.

    No wonder there will never be a female president.

    Why am I being mean here?

    Oh well.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    It works for Tom Cruise.


    We’re bad at math too. It’s been proven. 😉

    My general rule was always, As long as he’s an inch taller than me we’re good. I’m 5’4″, so not much of a problem for many guys.


    I’ve always wondered about that. If you actually plan on meeting the person, what’s the point of flat-out lying about your physical characteristics?

    Jesus Christ

    I met my fag online. We got married three and a half years after we met.

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