I was kinda hoping someone would take that set-up. I’ll admit hoping more for a “I see whut you did there,” but seriously both an upvote and a downvote for a “trigger discipline” setup man tough room. 🙁
Bow string is held all wrong and theres no tab, and as mentioned bracer or nip guard…ever had a bow string catch your nip?
As for the breasts, anything more than a hand full is a waste.
You bring up valid points, But as this looks more of a photo shoot than an archery shoot… ah hell go ahead girlie I’ll kiss your owwies after that bow does its work.
Does she give lessons?
Weak-ass half drawn pull. Lack of any bracer. I doubt she ever lets loose another shaft.
She can loose my shaft anytime she wants to.
I was kinda hoping someone would take that set-up. I’ll admit hoping more for a “I see whut you did there,” but seriously both an upvote and a downvote for a “trigger discipline” setup man tough room. 🙁
really? Really?!
Bow string is held all wrong and theres no tab, and as mentioned bracer or nip guard…ever had a bow string catch your nip?
As for the breasts, anything more than a hand full is a waste.
You bring up valid points, But as this looks more of a photo shoot than an archery shoot… ah hell go ahead girlie I’ll kiss your owwies after that bow does its work.
Get out of my office.
life’s good
u old sailor
nice LG add
Straight for my heart! <3