-that ridiculous tattoo weren’t there.
-the stupid fucking doorknocker piercing was gone, along with the other one in her nose.
-her hair wasn’t in pigtails or dyed to the point where it clashes with her skin tone.
-she didn’t have enormous amounts of makeup covering what seems to be a pretty face (the lipstick is ok, though).
-she didn’t paint her fingernails emo black.
Haha oh, this pretty much made my day. I couldn’t help myself and already went through your entire tumblr. For the most part I expected only to be gazing at gorgeous eye candy, which I did, but I was also touched by several unexpected posts, like the one about the Elephant Man or your altruism. Consider me another fan.
She looks absolutely fabulous and she is bold enough to appear as she feels. Stay hot and proud. To hell with the rest of you conformists. Go get a tatt or a piercing or something… wait, you might not find meaning in anything… bah, go for it anyways and support your local artists and maybe you’ll stumble on an insight…
can i get an om nom?
You could have, pre stupid tattoo.
It’s hard to ruin good cleavage, but she gave it a good shot.
That face, that bod (from we can tell), GD! Fucking hot!
I want to see a girl with an unfinished cake tattooed on her chest.
unfinished cake?
those tits are FANTASTIC.
It is a lie.
I like pandas.
She’s hot, as long as I ignore the stupid tattoo.
Well, at least she painted a target to deposit your load. However, panda bukkake does not sound like a good time to me.
I don’t see any tattoo.
Sexual Harassment Panda…for reeelz
dear women: stop with the tattoos.
this guy
Might be attractive if:
-that ridiculous tattoo weren’t there.
-the stupid fucking doorknocker piercing was gone, along with the other one in her nose.
-her hair wasn’t in pigtails or dyed to the point where it clashes with her skin tone.
-she didn’t have enormous amounts of makeup covering what seems to be a pretty face (the lipstick is ok, though).
-she didn’t paint her fingernails emo black.
That said, her tits are amazing.
You shut your whore mouth about the pigtails.
You shut your whore mouth.
pigtails used for handlebars-
Firehose to take care of makeup and possibly dyejob-
And if you doing it right, you won’t she much of the panda anyway.
she???gakk. see. sorry.
She is so hot I would still bang her even if it was a tarp!
lol, she’s totally stoned. And hot. And as if you’d give a shit about her makeup, tattoo or hair if she got naked.
I`d bet her parents are rather proud oh her.
oh how boring
i like everything except the tattoo.
Good and great God, I thank you for boobs.
i like everything but the panda. i don’t think i want to tittie fuck a panda.
then you and I differ on some very key points, good sir.
She has panda issues.
Eats shoots and leaves 🙂
She is completely and totally fecking gorgeous. The tat is not to my liking but to be honest I wouldn’t give a shit.
Anyone have sauce on this or perhaps this panda is endangered too?
Here, here! Let’s have sauce!
Love me.
u2 😉
Haha oh, this pretty much made my day. I couldn’t help myself and already went through your entire tumblr. For the most part I expected only to be gazing at gorgeous eye candy, which I did, but I was also touched by several unexpected posts, like the one about the Elephant Man or your altruism. Consider me another fan.
I loved the video w/ he girls and boys fightin’ and lovin’.
The mother lode!
she is so baked! awesome
She looks absolutely fabulous and she is bold enough to appear as she feels. Stay hot and proud. To hell with the rest of you conformists. Go get a tatt or a piercing or something… wait, you might not find meaning in anything… bah, go for it anyways and support your local artists and maybe you’ll stumble on an insight…
There she is.
Now give me my pervert award.
some dirty dick already did what I just did
Nature always makes the most dangerous fauna the most colourful.