kinda like how I became mcs’s resident drunk!
how tony stark became a drunk
Added on July 6th, 2010 by priscillascoggin | Report Post
Tags:Alcohol, Comic Books, Humor, Iron Man, Jack Daniel's
Tags:Alcohol, Comic Books, Humor, Iron Man, Jack Daniel's
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Are you also deleting threads in the forums, becauses it’s starting to look like a mess.
you are so off topic, you dont’ even realize. go talk about it in the forums, leave me alone, omg, what are you even doing in my head GETOUTOFMYHEAD
I don’t think the forums are working.
In less than a hour I will completly fuck up the
cuz i can.
I hate whiskey. Tastes like fukken motor oil.
oh shit
Thought you’d quit drinking a while back . . . ? Or maybe you’d quite drinking alone . . . ?
he quit drinking “alone”.
play xbox with someone else
allows him to drink.
I guess it’s all in how you define your terms . . .
Alcohol talks to you and tells you to drink it?
I’d say that’s much more than alcoholism
On meth, Casemod’s posts seem interesting.
Not even then.
casemods comments seem interesting to you when you take meth?
id say thats much more than meth.
so what is the source of this comic strip?