1: Me and my buddies, rockin’ the kilts
2: Coupla my friends, with pikachu and TMNT ice creams
3: My stunning grad date
4: Required domineers pose
Overall, a pretty good time! Just had commencement today, not many good pictures of that although I DID throw the horns in my picture with the principal. Just wish I had won my valedictorian race, the plaque looks soooooo cool. Anyways, time to head to BCIT and join the workforce. Off to parties!
I enjoy the fact that your username is pants and yet you are wearing a kilt.
goddamit quit stealing my comments
No u!
The guy in the middle of the first pic is cute.
My tastes run to the guy on the right. I’m assuming it’s the OP.
Nice skirts.
Silence, you little manky girlie man!
Those aren’t utilikilts and ninjas aren’t girly.
Your avatar picture is of a Samurai…. they wore kimonos… and a kilt is a kilt
To me, utilikilts are more girly because the pleats run all around
not to say i dont still own one.
is that a man purse?
no it’s a purse for all his extra balls
Its his coin purse
Happy graduation. Welcome to the work force. My advice: go to college and avoid a real job for another 4. 😛
If you’re not Scottish, then you’re just a douche if you’re in a quilt. Srsly.
That’s Cracked magazine… you referenced Cracked magazine! Seriously….
it’s not the onion. did you read the article or just point out the site? if you read it, argue your point. if not, your just a retard that enjoys confrontation without any validation. good work, glen beck
ok look at me
now think about scottish people
now deny that im scottish
Well, Scots = thin faced, high cheekboned, fair skinned northern European people. You = round nosed, prominant jawed, eastern European person.
hve you ever even
Yeah, many times.
The guy with long hair look so much like someone i knew it’s almost scary.
Yes. Every guy in high school who built his persona on being the “out there” “weird” guy (except the guy who wore the fedora, who was equally as weird).
Not dissing the guy–especially since he’s the OP and deserves some kudos for finishing high school (and some excuse for making all sorts of the mistakes at 18 that we all kick ourselves over at 25), but damn if he’s not drunk the Kool Aid on fitting the archetype to a T. Good day to you sir! and may we find you happy and healthy at every renaissance fair we find you at!
thank you! and i must say, its been a hard life, cant find girls my age because they think im too old, but i CANNOT cut my hair/shave because im in a metal band :/
What’s that dome thingy?
nice couple who wears the pants?
QE Park in Vancouver BC. Beautiful spot for a grad. Congrats.
\m/:)\m/ Rockin Dude.