Why do they call camels the ships of the desert? Because American soldiers fuck them and fill them with spunk. This makes a funny punch line when you call spunk (as in the stuff that comes out of balls) sea men (as in people who man ships). Really it should be Arab sea men. This is from an old joke, one which I change a little to fit the picture.
do you ever have those days when you feel specially retarded…for me they are those days that end in the letter ‘y’. And I thought you were being retarded. Here is something you never see on the Internet; an admission of one being wrong followed by an apology. I was wrong, sorry. The joke should have read (with the sarcasm this time) “why do they call camels the ships of the desert? cos they are full *of* yank sea men :S”. Now I shall stop pissing about and return to my work (it makes me feel less stupid). *humbly cowers away to a corner never to speak again*
sometimes your hand just doesn’t cut it.
why do they call camels the ships of the desert? cos they are full yank sea men :S
Again in English please?
Why do they call camels the ships of the desert? Because American soldiers fuck them and fill them with spunk. This makes a funny punch line when you call spunk (as in the stuff that comes out of balls) sea men (as in people who man ships). Really it should be Arab sea men. This is from an old joke, one which I change a little to fit the picture.
Didn’t quite fully understand the “full yank sea men” part. But yeah I got it.
do you ever have those days when you feel specially retarded…for me they are those days that end in the letter ‘y’. And I thought you were being retarded. Here is something you never see on the Internet; an admission of one being wrong followed by an apology. I was wrong, sorry. The joke should have read (with the sarcasm this time) “why do they call camels the ships of the desert? cos they are full *of* yank sea men :S”. Now I shall stop pissing about and return to my work (it makes me feel less stupid). *humbly cowers away to a corner never to speak again*
and reading that back again I still missed out a word…fuck it…
and thanks for that spunk definition.
Ok, I got it. Shit, I lost it.
Funny, I got the reference, but let’s not talk about it.
I liked all your comments cuz then i could vote you down 4 times.
The camel seems to be enjoying it, but the soldier really doesn’t look into it.