It would be funny as hell if an astroid hit as it was taking its first picture.
how would that be funny?
that would be unfunny.
It gets ready to take its first picture, it takes it, then blows up. scientist look at the picture, it turns out to an astroid heading for Earth, humnity is killed.
Oh god the humnity!
She blinded me with it.
is it possible to have a picture of the hostess naked?
It would be funny as hell if an astroid hit as it was taking its first picture.
how would that be funny?
that would be unfunny.
It gets ready to take its first picture, it takes it, then blows up.
scientist look at the picture, it turns out to an astroid heading for Earth, humnity is killed.
Oh god the humnity!
She blinded me with it.
is it possible to have a picture of the hostess naked?